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"Shove off" he says in my ear. I resist the urge to shiver as the words drip off his tongue.
He leans into my field of vision, releasing his grip on the back of my neck.
Just as the last time we had the eye contact, his eyes are burning a hole through me.

"Draco" I finally manage to say.

"How are you shove off?" He says calmly, knowing damn well I'm still under veritaserum effect.

"Not so good" I say, determinedly holding his gaze and letting it fall to his lips. "I prefer to have this conversation when I won't be forced to answer"

"Not into honesty?" He smirks.

My heart thudding in my chest. What is the purpose of all of this? He doesn't strike me as the type to bother with casual conversation.

"Not really" I'm forced to answer, still not able to tear my gaze away from his.

He nods, cocking his head up as he runs his thumb across his lower lip. "Would you like to have some time alone with me?" He asks.

"Yes" I respond right away "no!" I try to fight back. "Yes!" I repeat, against my will.

I suck in a breath as he leans down, placing his lips to my ear again and grabbing my waist "Meet me in the Astronomy tower at 10 p.m" he whispers. Before I can realise what just happened, his hand slides from me and he pulls back enough to flash one more blazing look at me, smiling at me before disappearing into the crowd.

"What the hell was that?" I notice Hermione standing right next to me, holding her notebook as she struggles to wipe the shocked look from her face.

"Oh my god! How long have you been here?"

"Enough to be confused" she says trying not to smile.

I blink blankly as I try to catch my breath.

"Do you trust him?" She asks, raising her eyebrow as she looks back and forth between us and the direction he has gone.

"I have no idea"

• • •

I wander aimlessly in the hallway, not sure if I'm trying to find the Astronomy Tower or not.
Draco is intoxicating, completely taking over my mind with the smallest of appearances and I don't want him to distract me from my mission here.

I don't understand why my body is craving him this way. And why do I keep hoping that he feels something similar as if my entire week rational thinking didn't happen.

"Anika?" A voice says over my shoulder. My heart jumps into my chest before I realise it's isn't who I was hoping for. I turn to see Ron smiling at me. Is everyone in this reality bipolar? last time we had a conversation he said he didn't trust me - he is not wrong for that but anyways.

He is my best friend in my reality but in this one he keeps giving me mixed signals.

"Ron" I say, not sure what I'm supposed to do.

"What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep, what about you?" I tell him a half truth.

"Looking for Scabbers"

"Scabbers?" I ask confused.

"My rat" he doesn't have a rat in my reality.

I'm about to ask him more about this rat but I feel run up my spine, the feeling that someone is watching me creeping though my body.

I turn my head slowly to the side, not very surprised to find out Draco is watching me from across the hallway. Did he come down to search for me? His features look hard as he stares at me, eyebrows pulled down and his mouth pressed into a into a flat line.

I hold his gaze for a few seconds before I realise why he looks like this - he isn't enjoying the presence of Ron. I'm not sure if it's jealousy or just the fact that he doesn't like Ron.

Turning my attention back to Ron, I put a smile on my face "what were we saying?" I ask brightly.

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