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"Are you okay?" he asks, letting a half smile slip away, reminding me of my Ron.

"Totally" I say, putting up my most unimpressed look to make up for my previous reaction, but the smirk on his face tell me that he certainly didn't miss it.

He shrugs, following me as we make the way towards Gryffindor's common room. "When was the last time you saw Scabbers?" I give him a little questioning glance.

"I'm sorry for how things started between us" He says out of blue.

"Oh," I say, not  really sure where he is going with that. "Don't worry"

The more I look at him, more I realise how much I miss my best friend and that he can't be so different from the person he is in my world, but I'm aware he has different priorities in here and they don't include me.

Hermione took my place in both Harry's and Ron's hearts.

My eyes flit back across the hallway to where Draco had been but I'm disappointed to see he isn't there anymore.

I jump when an arm wound around my waist, pulling me backward into a firm chest.

"Are you done here?" he rumbles into my ear.

Ron furrows his eyebrows next to me, surprised and confused by his appearance.
I can tell he's waiting for me to react or give him some sign to help him understand if I'm okay with all this.

"Why do you keep sneaking up on me?" I ask lowly, titling my head to the side.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asks, I can't see his face but I'm acutely aware of his hand on my hip.

I find it so funny that he's completely ignoring Ron's presence while Ron in question keeps staring at him incredulous.

He spins me around to face him, giving me a hard look before finally looking at Ron.

"Do you mind Weasley?" He says, not waiting for his response and grabbing my hand to pull me away from him, he walks straight until he has us isolated.

"Tell me to stop" he says, pressing me into the wall and leaning over me. I take a deep breath and stare up into his eyes.
It's my chance to tell him to stay away from me and get out before I got any more sucked into him and this weird connection we both feel.

My hands pulling him closer without my permission.

"Stop" I say, very aware that his lips are only inches from mine as he stares down at me.

"Yeah?" His eyes flick between mine for the briefest seconds.

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