Chapter 4

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       The moment that Pring agreed, Julius' face twisted into a mischievous smirk.  He held out his hand and Pring shook it, not knowing what she got herself into. 
       "I'm glad you've seen reason, princess.  Now follow me, I'll show you where you'll be working."  Julius waved his hand and walked to the hallway, and Pring followed.
       They walked to the end of the dark hallway and Julius opened a door, and motioned to Pring to enter.  She slowly crept in, and to her amazement, the room was huge.  There were piles and piles of potatoes everywhere, more potatoes than Pring had ever seen.  On the wall to her right there were strange machines, a vat of oil, among other assorted cooking items.  The perfect place for making potato chips.
Pring pranced around the room, taking in the glory, the potatoes. At this moment she knew she was content, and as happy that she took Julius' deal. 
       Suddenly, there was a loud noise from behind Pring.  She spun around and saw that Julius had slammed the door shut.  She ran to it and twisted and pulled the knob desperately, but it didn't budge.  Julius had locked her in.
       "I'm sorry princess, this is very necessary!" A muffled Julius called out from behind the door.
       "Let me out!  How will I survive in here?" Pring was enraged.
       "I won't let you out until you produce enough tasty potato snacks and uphold your end of the deal!"
       "But what will I eat?"
       "Pring, sweetie, you are in a room with an infinite and glorious supply of potatoes.  Figure it out."
       How Pring hated him at this moment, and how she hated herself for falling for his trap.  She turned back to the vast room and collapsed in a heap of misery on the cold stone floor.
       Pring was disappointed, but her fate was decided.  She had to make potato chips for a long time.  But how long?  And how much is enough?  When will this be over?  These questions bounced around in her head.  However, Pring realized that the more she thought about it, the worse it'd get.  She had to get to work.  How bad can it be?

Author's Note:   I apologize for the chapters being so short.  I don't have a lot of time to make these.  I hope you can still enjoy this story (yes, all my nonexistent readers)


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