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Y/N's POVWhy can't I do this? YG pd-nim always tells me to blah blah blah blah blah

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Why can't I do this? YG pd-nim always tells me to blah blah blah blah blah......
I would hear these words everyday from my fellow trainees, but I would hear these words from one person the most. Kim Junkyu.

Before Mixnine, Junkyu was probably one of the most smiley and hard-working people I knew. But after the show, he lost a lot of confidence and didn't gain any back when he was compared to people near him, like Bang Yedam or Kim Doyoung.

When I heard that all of the male YG trainees would do a survival show for YG's next boy group, I was excited+scared for Junkyu. I'm that social butterfly that's pretty close with everyone, but Junkyu was probably my best friend here. Since my first day, he always helped me figure out dance moves and to improve my vocals. We even had the same Japanese classes, so he helped me there too.

It's been on my mind for a while, because Junkyu has been quiet for the past few days at practice. I really wanted to cheer him up. The problem is, it's easier to communicate with him through words than actions. I can't do that if he won't talk to me. I've tried to approach him, but he wouldn't answer.

Then, I found the solution. If you ever need to talk to someone, this works 80% of the time. Everyone's weakness: FOOD.

I left a lunchbox in his practice room, clearly labeled for him. I left another post-it on it: Meet me at the park at 8 p.m. -Y/N

8 P.M.
I saw him heading towards me, and I ran up to him. He brought the lunchbox with him, showing that he probably skipped lunch and dinner.

"Hungry?" -Y/N

"What do you think?" -Junkyu

We sat at a picnic table, and I opened the lunchbox for him. Junkyu looked really worn-out, so I was hoping my food would cheer him up.

When I saw that the fried rice I made for him was untouched, I wore a small grin on my face.

I handed the fried rice to him. But, on the top, written in vegetables he likes: Strength.

He smiled, then looked up at me. Without any words needed, he simply hugged me, and I could tell that it was mission accomplished.

I few days later, the second episode came out. I wasn't able to watch the first episode, so I watched them back to back.

When the visuals competed, Junkyu was going against Haruto. Haruto's rapping was so good, and I could see that Junkyu was getting nervous. YG even emphasized on Junkyu not being confident enough.

It was Junkyu's turn, and the camera had a close-up of his hands shaking. I could see that he was getting more confident throughout the song though.

In the end, YG showered him with compliments, which put a smile on my face. I texted him the next morning:

Y/N: 👍👍👍

Junkyu: 😊😊😊

Author's POV

I'm soooooo sorry that this update took a long time. Sixth grade has been tough. I'm so sad YG Treasure Box is ending soon, which means this book will end soon too. But, I will definitely make an imagines for the new boy group! Thank you for all your support throughout this imagines! I'll probably write 1-4 more imagines here.

Thanks to DarkThoughtsDarkMinds for the request!!

Sorry for any typos!

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