Return of Riddlette

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*Jay and Silent Bob are putting up Valentine decorations at the Secret Stash*

Jay: Well, it's that time of the year again. And even though it's only January 6th, we're gonna get a head start and put up the Valentine shit.

Silent Bob: *nods*

Jay: I don't know man. Valentine's Day used to be some bullshit holiday to me. Y'know, spending four or five in a row of them alone really hardens you. But now that I got Holly, I'm gonna go all out this year! What about you Skinnybones? You got plans?

Silent Bob: *shakes his head*

Jay: Oh we're gonna change that. C'mon.

*They stand outside the store*

Jay: Don't worry man. I'm your wingman, and I know just the words that'll get you a date for Heart Day.

*An attractive woman is coming by*

Jay: *whispers* I got this.

*She walks by*

Jay: Yo baby, you ever get your butt licked by a skinny guy in an overcoat?

*She sprays him with pepper spray*


*She runs off*

Jay: Hey I tried man. Let's head back in. *They walk back in*

Jay: Well anyway—

*The Riddler and Riddlette burst in*

Riddler: Alright stay cool this a robbery!

Jay: Aw man what the fuck not you two again!

Riddler: I'm sorry I don't believe we've met.

Jay: There was that whole fuckin' court case and—

Silent Bob: *gestures that they can't talk about that*

Jay: Ohhhhh right. You got neuralized.

Riddlette: The hell you talkin' about puddin'?

Jay: Don't worry about it.

Riddler: Well riddle me this! What's the easiest way for us to double our money?

Jay: duh I know this one, you put it in front of a mirror!

Riddler: Wrong! YOU give yours to us!

Riddlette: Yeah!

Riddler: And if you don't in the next ten seconds *pulls out a bomb with wires and everything* I will be forced to detonate the bomb, killing us all—

Silent Bob: *pulls wire that deactivated bomb*

Riddler: *looks down at bomb, then at Silent Bob* You edgy bitch.

Jay: That's it! *Pulls shotgun out from cash register and cocks it* Get the fuck out of our store or else I'll shoot you!

Riddler: Riddlette, my dear, if you would be so kind?

Riddlette: Sure thing puddin'. *Pulls out twin question mark shaped knives*

Jay: Please don't.

Riddlette: *chases Jay and Silent Bob with the knives*


*Connor runs in*


Riddlette: Oh shit.

Connor: YAAAAA!!! *Tackles Riddlette, puts her in a headlock and noogies her* I KNOW THAT'S YOU JORDAN! NOW SAY UNCLE!

Jordan: NO!

Connor: SAY IT!

Jordan: NO!

Jay, Silent Bob, Riddler: 😳

Jay: guys wanna get brunch?

Riddler: Yeah!

Silent Bob: *nods*

*They leave as Connor continues to noogie Jordan*

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