Chapter 3: You get yelled at by a museum guide

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"Woah, what's happening with her eye?"

"What was she doing in here by herself?"

"Hey, (Y/N), are you okay?"

You groan softly, a dull pain making your left eye throb. There was still a stinging sensation rippling through your whole body. A group of people were standing around you with mixed expressions on their faces. Your classmates were staring at you with concern or amusement, and the group guide glared at you with distaste.

"What were you doing in here while we were outside?" She seethed. You try to sit up, only for you to fall right back down with a grunt. You had to think of a reason.

"You moved too fast for me," you managed through pained pants, "and apparently you didn't see me-ACK"

The dull throb in your eye turned into a stabbing pain, making you throw your hand to cover it. You suck in a sharp breath.

The guide hissed something at you that you didn't catch, but soon you were seized by your arms and dragged out of the Study. You cry out in pain. The fire and ice that had scorched your arms ignited once more. There wasn't much more for you to think about, for you had blacked out again.


Those who tamper with fate often meet their ends swiftly,

I have seen it happen many times,

They seek the oracle to change the outcomes of what is to be,

Only to realize that they hasten their death,

Like a hare sprinting to pass a predator only to be caught in a trap,

Taking the matters of the gods into one's own hands is deadly,

Especially because they are always watching,

Always eager to rain justice upon those that they deem unworthy.

~ Alistaphles, Sentiments to the Gods Vol. IX


You were being carried through crowded streets, your small adolescent body hanging on tightly to your guardian. You hid your face in his neck, trying to shy away from the prying eyes that stared at you. Your guardian walked further into the busy city. You whined softly to try and get his attention.

"Hush, please," he soothed, resting his cheek on your head. You whine again, patting his collar bone. Little tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. "No, no, none of that, (Y/N)," he whispered, nuzzling the top of your head. You started to hiccup and whimper. Without warning, your guardian whisked you into an alleyway out of the mass.

He sat against the stone wall after he had carefully unlatched you from his neck and pulled you into his chest. Small tears had slipped down your cheeks and dripped off of your chin. He peppered tiny kisses all over your face and cheeks.

"You're okay, you're okay," he cooed, brushing your tears away, "We'll find you someone, I promise."


The pressure on your arms woke you up again. You had been laid out on the museum's lobby couch with bandages on your arms. There was a distant murmur that you couldn't make out, but it sounded like people arguing. You sat up successfully this time and swung your legs over the couch's side. With a great yawn, you sunk into the leather of your seat. You rested your eyes for a moment. Just because you had blacked out didn't mean that it was good rest. When you opened your eyes, the guide was standing in front of you with your parents behind her. Your father had a small grin on his face and your mother was indifferent.

"Well, now, what do you have to say?" The woman asked, her expression cross. You shrugged.

"I touched the statue and I got knocked out. Maybe the gods have it in for me," You say, "Why shouldn't we tell all of your patrons that their statue of Lord Kars nearly petrified a fourteen year old?"

The woman pulled her lips into a tight line and looked back at your parents. Your father let his smile fall and feigned a serious look. Your mother shook her head.

"You may leave," the guide grumbled and turned away and disappeared into the museum.

"Touched a statue, huh?" Your father inquired.

Your mother shook her head again, "I taught you better. Going around and defiling statues like that."

You limped off of the couch and led your parents out of the museum.

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