Chapter 5: dinner gone wrong

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    With sore hands and numb knees, you plod down the stone steps. The city had settled down outside. There were specks of lantern light here and there, and the streets were the quietest you had ever heard. You limp down the last few stairs and land on the cold wooden floors.

    You skid down the hallway, almost busting your head open on the chest of drawers. You peek into the dining room. Your father was setting the table and your mother was setting the food out. Using your amazing sneaking skills, you tiptoe into the dining room. When your parents went back into the kitchen, you nicked a piece of chicken off of the serving platter.

    "(Y/N)!" Your mother shouted, "Take anything from the dinner table and you're sleeping outside."

    You cautiously place the morsel back on to the plate with a frown. You take a seat at the table, propping your arms up to inspect them. The veins in your arms were still a disgusting sewage color, and the skin up to your forearm looked more grey than you remembered. There was still a dull pain in your arms, but it wasn't as bad as earlier.

    When you saw your dad come into view out of your peripheral, you put your arms down under the table. He smiles at you and places a glass of water to the left of your plate. He shuffles back into the kitchen to get something else.

    Your mother popped into the dining room shortly after. She scoffs at the arrangement of the silverware and rearranges it to her liking. She then moves your glass to the right of your plate. With a satisfied smirk, she seats herself at the table. Your father returns with two glasses in his hands. You see a brief flash of shock ripple across his face. Your mother hides her smile behind her hands and looks down at the table. You watch as your father puts his glass down slowly, while staring at your mother. He puts her glass down in front of her and rearranges the silverware quickly.

    With a swift movement, your father sits down and starts the prayer immediately.

    "Gods please bless this food for the nourishment of our bodies to thy service. In Kars' name, amen," he recited quickly. You see your mother's face go from amusement to grief once she sees the silverware. You hear a quiet thump and your dad jumps and laughs.


    You limp up the stairs and to your room. It was painful and you almost fell at least twice, but you made it. You didn't even attempt to change into your pajamas. You slipped under the covers with a grunt. Looking at the ceiling, you reflect on your day.

    Getting paralyzed by a statue of the god of gods was probably your lowest moment. The gods had it in for you, probably. Maybe they were trying to tell you something. You subconsciously rub the pains on your arms. You sigh deeply.

    You look out of your window and into the night sky. The stars twinkled softly, almost trying to lull you to sleep with their sequences. The deep navy color of the sky almost taunted you, telling you that it was very late and you needed to sleep. A light breeze entered the room, making you curl up tighter under the covers. You add pressure to your arms to try and ease the dull pain. Shutting your eyes, you try to sleep with hopes that tomorrow would be a better day.


    The stinging smell of burning wood attacked your nose. You shoot up in your bed, covering your nose and mouth. Smoke filtered in though Your eyes water to a point where you couldn't see anything. You hear your bedroom door bust open.

    "(Y/N)!" your mother's voice called into your room, "(Y/N), you have to get up! You need to go!"

    You were pulled out of your bed and dragged out of your room.

    "Mom!" You cough, "What's wrong?"

    "The city is on fire and I need to get you out of here," she shouted over the smoke, "once you get outside, take the path to the blacksmith and get out of the city as quickly as possible."

    "But what about you and dad?" You scream, tears filling your eyes.

    "Don't worry about us! We'll be fine, (Y/N)! I only care about you getting out of here!" She yelled back, squeezing your hand three times.

    She kicks down the door, causing you to be bathed in the light of the flames. She kissed you on the forehead and shoved you out into the flaming streets.

    The whole city was ablaze. The fire doused houses and walkways like an elaborate painting. Buildings were collapsed or on the brink or collapsing. Screams filled your ears. Mothers calling for their children, children screaming for their parents. Animals braying and bleating in fear. You stood in the center of this chaos.

    An explosion from the building next to you made you screech and duck for cover. Flaming debris landed on you, nearly setting you alight. You snuffed out the tiny flames before they could spread. Without any further thoughts, you set out for the easiest path out of the city.

    Your feet were bare, but you had no time to find any protection from the dirt roads. The only option was to run. You heard the shouts of pain and suffering. Screams of horror and laughs of triumph blended together in a horrifying chorus. It took everything in your power to not stop and cry.

    You spun on your heels and took a left down the blacksmith's lane. The large wooden gate into the city was broken, leaving a gaping hole in the defenses. You let out a strangled noise of excitement. Your legs screamed in pain, begging you to rest for even just a moment, but you would not yield.

    Suddenly, two flaming figures leaped into your field of vision. A horse, black as the smokestacks that billowed out of a forge, and a rider clad in dark armor. The figure unsheathed his sword and threw it up in a spiral and caught it. The horse reared, kicked its forelegs out with whinny and charged at you. As the cavalryman galloped to you, you noticed they had on a pale white mask. You could make out more features as they got closer. It was reminiscent of those masks that wealthy people wore to their parties. There were designs on it from the eyes that dribbled down to the chin. The figure twirled the sword in their hands again before swinging at you. Your eyes widened and you ducked to the side. Was that blood on the mask? You scramble to your feet again and cut it to the broken gate.


Your legs screamed in pain, but you didn't have time to stop. The sounds of galloping had long since gone, but you weren't taking any chances. You were headed for the nearest temple. You knew it was close, but your parents never bothered to go to the sermons held at the temple. You didn't even know what god it worshiped, you just hoped that they would give you sanctuary.

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