Chapter 9: reader fucking dies jk

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    Thanks for the positive feedback fellas, I'll be updating again later today
   Xydras let out a slight yawn. He had found the caravan about 30 minutes out from Cigam. They had been a few miles from a temple that he had given a passing glance. Currently, he was hidden in a grove beside the place that the Caravan had stopped. The little humans were scattered about doing various activities. Some were playing card games and others were gathered around the camp fire.

    Xydras picked at his teeth. It would have been so much more fun if Esidisi had tagged along. Xydras remembered how Esidisi would get absolutely plastered before picking a place to terrorize, but that was when the earth was young and they could afford reckless destruction. Xydras coiled his tail around the base of one of the largest trees. It wouldn't hurt to catch some sleep.


    The red dragon was woken up by the sudden popping and flashes of color. He craned his neck to the sky to observe the display. He found it amusing that humans would make their own entertainment out of explosions of color. Xydras untangled himself from the tree. With a low, rumbling laugh, Xydras let forth one of his own bursts of color, evoking a loud scream from the caravan. He sprayed the sky with fire.

    He peeked thought the trees and saw the humans pulling a smaller human out of one of the wagons and screamed at her.

    "You've cursed us!"

    "Devil Child! DEVIL CHILD!"


    Xydras' ear frills perked up at the mention of the name. That was the girl he was looking for. He  watched as her hands were bound behind her back and her legs were tied together. The yelled some more at her before throwing her into another wagon and piling in to their respective wagons.

    Xydras didn't know what to do. Santana hadn't asked for him to bring her back, only for him to find the child. In any case, he couldn't retrieve her without scuffing her up or damaging her. He watched as the group of travelers started on their way without snuffing out the fire.

    Once they were far enough away, Xydras slipped out of over and took to the sky.


    You let tears fall out of your eyes as you were hauled off to who knows where. The caravan that had taken you claimed that you made fire rain from the sky. You had no idea what they were talking about, but they hadn't given you the option to defend yourself. They took you from where you were peacefully reading and tied you up. They threw you into another wagon and they hadn't said a word to you since. You decided to take the chance to catch up on some sleep.


    Santana's eyes fluttered open just barely.Another throbbing sensation started in his eye, causing him to shut it and turn over in pain. Santana balled up.

    "Please, be okay," he whispered to himself, "please be okay, (Y/N)."

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