Chapter 12: I'm running out of clever titles oh no

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You guys thought I was going to deprive you of Wamuu until later but you are W R O N G

After another bout of walking, the buck had led you to another clearing that was like the one you had first seen. You had thanked him for leading the way. He then licked Balalaila's little face before turning down one of the many passages that were surrounding the room. You sat down in front of the wall again to read what was on it.

This time, the cloaked figure, you assumed he was Kars, was seated in a throne with a skeleton in his hands. Another god was standing next to him.

I took time to shape this world into what it is now. Gods continued to appear out of thin air due to natural disasters or other things, which put a dent in my progress. All of the Gods in my pantheon are worshiped at some point or another, so I decided to have my own influence in the mortal world. I started to create mortals to plant in society. You may have heard of some of them if I told you their names.

The last one I made was a human female. It was very difficult to part with her. My closest friend and companion even admitted he would miss her at one point. Despite the little time I was able to look after her, I was very attached. I hope she will do great things.

As I write this now, I know that there will be conflict among the gods. I have felt it. It's inevitable that something will happen, although I cannot detect what it might be. My only fear is that I will not be there to see it happen. Fate works itself in ways that no being can predict. Even those in my council who oversee it cannot predict what might or might not be.

Consider yourself lucky, for I have not confided in my council about my feelings of dread. Do with this information what you will. I trust you will make the right decisions.

Balalaila nuzzled the book that you had somehow kept with you throughout your chase through the labyrinth. She bit the cover and pulled it from your grasp and used her tiny hooves to crudely flip the pages. You watched curiously before she gave an irritated bleat and stopped. She looked at you expectantly. You smiled at her and turned the pages until she put a hoof on the page.

She had stopped on a page of what looked to be a dark-elf woman pouring a liquid out of a basin. Six sharp appendages protruded from her back. She held the basin on one of her grey hands and held a star to the sky with the other. You looked up at Balalaila. She pointed with her hoof at the liquid coming out of the basin.

You leaned in closer to find that the liquid had specs of glittering material in it. The liquid was unlike anything you had ever seen. It wasn't water, for you had never seen water that was black. You looked over to the script on the right side of the page.

Neeta, it read, Lord of the Cosmos. You looked up at Balalaila again, only for her to impatiently tap the page.

"What are you showing me Lord Neeta for?" you asked, fluffing up her soft coat. She walked around the book and snuggled into your lap. She bumped your hand with her head. When you went to pet her, she took one of your fingers in her mouth and moved it to a line on the page.

"Lord Neeta took it upon herself to watch over the world Lord Kars created. The two primordial beings did not communicate often. Much like fraternal twins, the two gods had an almost telepathic understanding of one another. Many believe that Lord Kars and Lord Neeta represent the Earth and Sky, although they rule over Creation and Cosmos."

You freed your finger from the sheep's teeth.

"What are you trying to tell me?" You asked. The tiny sheep let out an angry huff and pointed with her nose to another line.

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