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"Wakanda Forever

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"Wakanda Forever."- Literally every Wakandan ever


"Thank you, these are going to work perfect." I tell her.

"Go on, test them out!" She urges me, and i can't help the smile that comes to my face.

I give in and put the two fingerless gloves on. I stick my hand out and within moments my knife is magnetically drawn to my hand.

I smile staring at the knife. "Shuri! This is awesome!"

The princess returns my smile as she begins to hand me something else.

"An upgraded version of your necklace as well." She explains. I stare at the beautiful necklace in her hand, definitely better looking than the one i have on now.

"More durability for battles and also more flexibility just in case."

A beautiful diamond surrounded by an intricate design of silver around the sides, no bigger than my thumb. It's all held together by a thick, black thread, woven through itself to create a beautiful swirl design; with a small clasp at the top.

"Shuri, this is amazing, thank you." I can't take my eyes off it, but i pull her into a hug.

"Here, let me put it on." I pull from the hug and turn around, moving my hair out of the way and letting her replace the old necklace with the new one.

I let it sit below my silver canary necklace, something made by a local to help me remember her.

For the past 11 months I've been stranded in the year 2032, the downfall of the team not caring about Rex Tyler's warning. Yet again, when Nazi's threaten to set off an atomic bomb it's kind of hard not to get involved.

Long story short I somehow ended up here.

Here as in Wakanda, 2032.

I've grown accustomed to living without the team. I've made new friends here. Once they found out I could shift into the thing they worshipped, they took me in and have been treating me almost as one of their own ever since.

Only a select few know my real story; Shuri, T'Challa, and The Avengers.

Even though i've grown accustomed to this beautiful African place, the one person I cannot stop missing, is Sara. I've been so worried about her, praying every night that she's okay and that one day she'll come back to me. While i was never one to truly believe in a higher form of power, i find some sort of comfort in it.

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