Ouu, a Team-Up

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"But they will not, shall not, cannot, destroy you

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"But they will not, shall not, cannot, destroy you."- Nikita Gill


"So," she purses her lips, "that was fun."

"If we're meant to be impressed by all this technology, it has the opposite effect." The dark-haired woman says.

"It only makes you that much more dangerous." One of the other members adds.

Erin really had to learn these peoples names.

Stein speaks up. "Well, there's evidence to support that, but I think what's important right now is for all of us to stop arguing."

"Does your team ever stop arguing?" Rex Tyler spins around to face them as he stands in Rip's office.

"Fair point." Stein gives in.

"I think what Martin is trying to say is that we're going to help you, wether you like it or not." Erin smiles and turns to face Sara, who was the one to speak up.

"You're going after Kreiger," Erin decides to add, "we know where he's going next."

Stein joins in, "And, given the laws of temporal mechanics, if you die, your grandson ceases to exist."

Commander Steel steps in front of the JSA members, waving his hand around in front of him. "Well, I don't pretend to understand any of this time travel bunk, but these fellas do have a timeship. Might come in handy."

"And having them as our back-up might be the only way to keep them out of trouble." Erin holds herself back from scowling at the other woman's words.

"Let's put it to a vote, then." Rex says.

All the members of the JSA raise their hands. Erin looks to her left, then to her right, where both Sara and Stein have put up their hands as well. Erin sheepishly puts her hand into the air too, Nate folllowing shortly after.

"The aye's have it." Rex announces.

He looks to his left where the four time travellers have put up their hands. He doubles-takes, tossing them a look which causing the four to put their hands down.

Erin stares around at the group, then breaks the silence. "Why don't we show you what we know."

Rex Tyler nods his head and motions for them to talk. Instead, Sara speaks up, "Follow me to our library."

Sara walks off with Stein and two of the JSA members behind her.

Before she walks through the door she turns back to face Erin as if to ask if the brunette was joining them.

"I got a book to read." Erin laughs.

The blonde smiles, turns around, and walks out. In truth, Erin just wanted to lay down and rest for a moment. She didn't want to be facing Nazi threats or making fake deals with strange men. She just wanted to lay down in her bed under the softest blanket, maybe put on some music, and sleep.

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