Chapter 3

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There is no way the helicopter can reach us with the surrounding buildings. I look around us and notice we are close to a wide open space.

"What about over there?" I question pointing to the area.

She follows where I'm pointing and see's the space as well. From the distance I can see a concrete arch and what looks like a fountain underneath. There are no buildings surrounding it and it's open enough for the helicopter to safely get us. The only problem is we have to make a run for it. I can see the helicopter heading over there, but also I'm noticing a large amount of confused humans and zombies.

"We can do this," she tells me.

"I'm ready," I tell her as I lift my knife.

She starts taking off towards the park and I follow behind her. We are in the clear for the first minute or so until we come up to the edge of the sidewalk. The park is across the street, but the amount of zombie's have increased significantly. I'm not sure we'll make it through, she's unarmed and I'm holding a kitchen utensil. This is not like the movies at all, if it were I would have found some kind of insane weapon by this point and be able to take them all out in one go. There's no other weapon around, and there's no way I can take them out with a small knife.

She stops at the edge of the crosswalk the sad little white walking man on the sign keeps changing, even while the world is crumbling around it. She's looking around no doubt trying to look for some kind of weapon. Taking off both shoes she looks at her heels.

"Are you seriously considering using your shoes?" I question.

"I've got nothing else," she says. "And if we don't hurry they'll leave without us," she says. "Ready?" she asks.

"I've got no choice," I tell her.

She nods and starts forward, before I step off the sidewalk I notice a hammer laying on the sidewalk to my left. We are right under a construction site, someone must have dropped it in the midst of all the chaos. I can still catch up to her if I go and grab it, so I race for the object. I take it in my hand and start to head back to her as a group of them swarm around her. The helicopter is getting lower in the sky and I can see them coming down towards the park. I head for her using the hammer to knock out the two zombie's that get in my face.

I'm keeping an eye ahead to make sure she's okay, but she's surrounded. I jog in that direction, and can just barely see her over the tops of their heads. She's batting them away with her shoes. I highly doubt those heels will do enough to hurt one of them. I scream trying to grab their attention and some of them turn to me as I race at them with the hammer in hand. I swear I close my eyes because all I see as I start swinging the hammer is blackness, pure blackness. I can sense everything around me, but the darkness surrounds me.

I hear her scream and when my vision returns I see her struggling even more. I wipe out one more and rush to her side. I stab one in the head with the knife, while trying to swing the hammer with the other hand. I take her hand and pull her from the group just as the helicopter lands to our left. I tug at her as we both run for it. I can see a man waving his arms to us, "Samuel," she screams.

"Patricia hurry," the man yells.

How this man found her through all this chaos is beyond me, but I'm so thankful that he did. As we get closer I can't help but think I know this man too. He looks a bit older than I remember, but I'd know that grey haired Christian Grey look anywhere, I just wish I could remember how I know him. We get to the helicopter and the woman who I now assume is Patricia pushes me in front of her.

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