A Fresh Start

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October 9th a day where one would think a happy family is teaching their daughter the ways of a shinobi, 5 year old Ria Uzimaki Namikaze was going tiejustu stance while her parents Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzimaki Namikaze could only watch proudly as their daughter was becoming a fine ninja before their eyes. Ria stood and 3ft with long red hair down past her shoulders wearing red T shirt and black pants and black shinobi sandals with a face one would mistake Kushina when she was a young girl with violet eyes and a chubby face with big smile on her as she could see she was doing well. But if one looked to the far corner you would see a boy with blond hair and sapphire blue eyes with 3 whisker marks on each cheek who stood at 3 and a half foot tall wearing a black T shirt with an orange swirl, white shorts and blue sandals was Naruto Uzimaki Namikaze with face the could the strongest of men cry at what they saw his eyes held only sadness, pain and longing. Because 5 years ago tomorrow the day when great Kyuubi no yoko attacked the village and his father along with his mother and friends seald the beast some of the beasts chakra in to their daughter while the soul and body of the fox was sealed in Naruto witch lead Naruto becoming feared and heated because most of the leaf village thought Naruto was the reincarnation of the fox. But that was not the case as Naruto was a boy who just wanted be loved and accepted and not thought of as a monster, the villagers would attack him regardless of the fact he's the fourths son because they knew the civilian council would take care of the reports. Back to the present while watching his so called 'family' training his sister Naruto was thinking to himself.

'Ok now that I have every thing I need I can finally leave this godforsaken place'.

You see Naruto has been planing to leave the village ever since he first accessed his chakra, which was a year go, he had been sneaking into his fathers studies to copy down some Jutsu's on to scrolls so far he had copied the Henge, Kawarimi no Jutsu, Kage bunshin and the Rasengan along with some tia-justu stances, chakra control scrolls along with chakra nature control scrolls and also 7 wind release scrolls after discovering his affinity wind for when leaves.

Watching his family leave to go in side of the house he sat and stared at the sky wondering if what his life would in store for him next.

Later that night 12 am

Kushina sat in the living room with a family photo in her hands in the middle stood her and Minato to their left was Ria with a smile on her face which in turn brought a smile to her face but when she looked to the final member she saw Naruto was further away from them with a sad look on his face. Kushina realised that she didn't really know that much about him it was like he was stranger to them, she gasped when realisation came to her that she and Minato hadn't been giving him love and attention he needed,

Her thoughts where interrupted when her husband walked in to see him looking at her in concern.

"What's the matter Kushina-chan?" "It's Naruto" "What about him?" He asked when she explained he had a look of realisation on his face along with sadness when devotion came into his eyes.

"Well how about we start training him that way we can spend time with him and help him grow strong I know Tsunade has asked Ria to sign her slug contract and Jiraiya really wants Naruto to sign the toad contract so he can have that for his birthday tomorrow, while you teach him ken justu and I'll start his ninjutsu, that way we can all grow closer" he said in a knowing grin, Kushina agreed quickly knowing it had to work to bring her son back in the family, with that they bid goodnight and went to bed, to bad for them the person of topic had already left an hour ago but they wouldn't know till morning.

With Naruto

Pumping his legs full of chakra going as fast as he could through the forest Naruto had already put 50 miles between him and the village wearing long black pants with his orange coat over him to keep him warm as he ran through the cold night, over his shoulder was his orange and black back pack filled with scrolls, food, a single kunai, some chakra paper to help him discover his second element affinity when he comes of age, steal wire, chakra weights and some money, he was heading for the harbour to get out of the elemental countries so he could make a fresh start.

Within an hour he had arrived at the harbour to see the ferry man taking passports the man was a little drunk so he was able to sneak on the boat with no trouble at all, arriving at the lowest deck heading in to the darkest corner for stealth he placed his backpack down first to use as a pillow before drifting off into deep sleep.

Open his eyes Naruto quickly discovered he wasn't on the boat anymore looking around he found himself in an eerie sewer with narrow corridors 'w..what the where am I?' He thought to himself begging to walk the narrow corridor passing a single doorway "GRRRRR!" A growl made him freeze in step sweat dripped down his brow turning slightly to the door he felt a dark presents in that room slowly walking down it when the pips along the ceiling started to glow a deep red the further he went.

Arriving in a large room water all around him nearly past his ankles his wandered till they came across large cage 'what is this?' He thought walking a little closer till he was a meter a way from it, he noticed a piece of paper directly in the middle of the cage.

When he was about to leave he saw something that he would remember the rest of his life, there glaring intensely at him were to large blood red eyes with black slits for pupils burning in to ocean blue they stayed that way for while till "ROOOOAAAAARRR!" Aloud screech forced him to wake in cold sweat his eyes were wide, he struggled to catch his breath 'w...wha... What was t..hat' looking over to the porthole it was day break he also took notice of the approaching city, sighing to himself as changed in to blue shorts and a white shirt with another orange swirl on the front placing his bag over his shoulder he waited till they were docked.

When the arrived he stealthily snook of the boat again he looked over at the blue sea and the white sand "Final stop Kamakura!" The ferry man called out, finally after so long in years in fact since he was little, he smiled.

A true smile and whispered.

"A fresh start"

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