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 One morning Zayn awoke with a pain in his foot. "Oh no! Ouch!" he said, groaning loudly. "I have to go to the foot doctor!" The next morning, after spending a day hobbling on an aching foot, he scheduled the appointment. The doctor said he could take him immediately, that afternoon, so Zayn slid on his paint-splattered converse, zipped up his leather jacket, and combed his messy hair before plopping a beanie on his head. He took a quick glance in the mirror before leaving his house. He frowned. He hated himself. "I hate myself," he said, frowning, the lines of his forehead creasing sadly. He was halfway out the door before he remembered that he had forgotten to put his ukelele back in its case after his latest, late-night "Riptide" session. Triggered, he rushed back into the house to complete this task. On the way out of the door again, he noticed his juul lying on the kitchen counter. "I almost forgot!" He exclaimed, shoving the slender black rectangle into his tight, skinny jean pocket. He straddled his bike, enjoying the feeling of the hard seat between his legs. "It's been a while," he breathed to himself, pedalling the pedals harder in order to speed up the bike. Halfway to the doctor's office, he started to feel a sharper pain in his foot, and he remembered the reason for the visit. As soon as the pain began, the wheels of the bike spun out from under him and he went crashing down in the gutter. His head hit the cement of the road, just below his cheekbone, and his beanie flew off into a puddle. Frustrated, he struggled to his feet and scrambled to gather his belongings. His juul had smashed to the road and the pods had all rolled out and spilled everywhere. With a tear running down his chiseled cheek, he gathered the remains of his precious nicotine delivery mechanism, and cradled it in his loving arms. 

zayn malik gets totally ravaged by his foot doctor, sherlookWhere stories live. Discover now