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The next day, everything was back to normal. Zayn woke up nauseous. He rushed to the bathroom, and tried to poop. To his surprise, it wasn't poop that plopped into the toilet, but a live child. The child was about 8 years old, and a delicious mix of ethnicities.

"Oh my god," Zayn said, thinking immediately his own pasty cheeks pressed against sherlock's chocolate ones in the peak of their ecstasy. "There's no way, we used protection!" Zayn thought to himself, but then he remembered that he hadn't. He knew he had to move quickly, so he gathered the child, still dripping wet from toilet water, into his arms. The kid burped. The burp sounded like Zayn's favorite word—Bruh. "Bruh." he said softly, kissing the child on the head. "That's your name. Bruh." Then he ran out of the house so quickly he forgot his juul.

The sky was bright and high, unlike Zayn's spirits, which were not. The long train ride to the doctor's office was excruciating. Zayn kept playing the different scenarios over and over in his little head. What would Shercock say? Would he own up to being the father? Or would he deny ever even knowing Zayn and Zayn's cakey cheeks? Would he pay for Bruh's college? Would he pay for Bruh's bat mitzvah (Zayn is Jewish). Would he all? 

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