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After a speedy recovery from the tragedy of losing his juul that only Zayn could have accomplished, the pop star dusted off his skinny jeans, clambered to his feet and began to limp down the road towards the doctor's office. His resilience established (losing his juul was an example of his resilience being established), Zayn had confidence that he could make the two miles to the doctor's office on foot. However, before he could test his theory, a battered white pickup, splattered with mud from aforementioned puddles, pulled up alongside him. Shaking with fatigue and physical exertion, Zayn barely had the senses about him to be wary of the stranger who was clearly trying to get his attention. The window rolled down, and from the driver's side a voice emerged unlike any that Zayn had ever heard before. It was low, gravelly, sexy as hell, and perfectly hosted by the rough, country-lovin' face that accompanied it. "D'you need a lift?" The man's voice lifted in questioning. His piercing blue eyes looked Zayn's slender body up and down, as if assessing each part of him with a fierce hunger that Zayn had never seen before. Zayn, so transfixed by the contemporary cowboy with the bulging muscles and the sunburned, dermatitic skin, didn't even notice his jaw dropping or his eyes widening. The man seemed to pay him no heed, and instead beckoned him to sit beside him in the Chevy. Zayn clambered aboard, settling his juicy ass on a worn out and fraying seat, complete with holes burned out by cigarettes and the faint smell of snuff. The man reached to shift gears, and his calloused hand brushed Zayn's thigh. At the man's touch, Zayn felt daggers of electricity pierce his thigh and spread outward throughout his whole body. The man must have sensed Zayn's shaking body next to him, for his large hand returned and began to stroke the inside of Zayn's leg. Although this was meant as a comforting gesture, but Zayn was anything but comforted. If anything, he was magnificently and irrevocably horny. 

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