Chapter Five

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I just finish my second beer-having downed what remained from the incident earlier-when Marshall orders another round for us from the bartender. I can tell he's been drinking a bit already pre-show as he's clearly a bit intoxicated. But I don't mind, he's still himself.

After Proof left, we wound up sitting at the bar, talking and drinking. Or trying to talk. It was almost impossible to hear what either of us were saying over the noise of the club. Who ever was on stage was unbelievably loud.

"You were good up there." I state, gesturing towards the stage as Marshall hands me my new drink.

"Huh?" He raises an eyebrow and leans in to hear me better. 

I laugh and gesture for him to come closer, then cup my hand over his ear to block out the noise as I talk into it. I try not to think about how close I am to him, or how nice he smells even all sweaty. That would only make me nervous. 

"I said, you were good up there. It sounded like you were losing your voice a little though. You were yelling into the mic so hard." I giggle.

He leans back slightly to grin at me, my hand dropping down to his shoulder, "It's the only way I know how to rap, baby."

"Well it works." I grin then laugh as I realize he is still wet from the water earlier. My hand on his shoulder picks at his shirt as I say, "You're so wet!"

Without missing a beat Marshall smirks and says, "That's usually my line," and I blush, shaking my head, realizing what I said.

"Anyways...," I say, trying to move on from my embarrassing blunder, "Do you have any more gigs booked?"

"Uh, a few over the next couple of months. Pauls workin' on gettin' me on the fuckin' Warped Tour this summer." I nod my head, happy for him, and Marshall smirks at me, "Why? Ya wanna be a groupie? Follow me around? There's plenty of room for you on my tour bus."

"I'm sure you'd love that, but I'll actually be a little busy with my own music to follow you around adoringly!" I giggle, "I'll make sure to catch another show someday though. Promise."

"I'mma hold you to that." 

Over his shoulder I notice a group of girls staring in our direction. For a moment I think I'm spotted, but their eyes are zeroed in on Marshall. Relief turns to a bit of jealously though. The girls are pretty and they're all looking at Marshall greedily. I shake off these irrational feelings and tell him, "I think you have some fans."

Marshall looks to where I pointed and sees the scantily-clad girls, who all wave at him with flirty smiles. He simply nods his head at them before turning his focus back on me.

I nudge him, "You should go to them. Sign some autographs, score some digits." I encourage half-heartedly. I might be a little jealous but it doesn't even make sense to feel that way. I have no claim on Marshall and never will. He's not mine. I don't even want to date anyone! Plus I don't want him to feel like he needs to stay here with me when he could be hitting on some pretty girls.

"Nah, they ain't fans, just some dirty ass hoes." I look at him, a bit shocked till he clarifies, "They just wanna fuck a rapper, you know. But I know they've been fuckin' all the other guys backstage. I'm not into that shit."

"Ah, so some real groupies." I realize.

"Exactly. 'Sides, I gotchu here. You're better than what any other chicks got to offer." he says. I hide my smile by taking another sip, happy with his decision. 

We stay just like that, leaning in close, as we continue to talk. He makes me laugh with his jokes, funny voices, and story telling. I'm not sure how long we've been there talking, switching from topic to topic. But soon enough the set on stage ends and the speakers are playing Top 40 music again, making it easier for us to hear each other. I lean back a bit, giving us some space.  

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