Chapter Two

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The lights are dim in the studio as I walk into the room but I'm able to spot Dre quickly. His back is to me as he stands in front of the soundboard, wearing all black including his Raiders hat. A beat with a fast tempo is playing over the speakers and his head is bobbing along to it as he adjusts various switches and dials.

To even be in his presence while he's making music is an incredible opportunity. I wish my label would understand that. This is what I'm here for, Dre's beats. I should be focusing on how I'm going to convince my label to let me use them, not flirt with a cute guy I'm accidentally probably leading on.

Marshall closes the door behind us and it makes a noise, causing Dre to turn his head to see who has arrived. A big smile lights up his face when he sees me and I return it easily. It's been a while since I've seen him last, and it's always nice to see Dre.

I met Dre's wife Nicole at a Yoga class in West Hollywood a year ago. She had no clue who I was at first and I didn't know her either. But we bonded over how crazy our instructor was. When she learned who I was, she humbled me by her indifference and I knew we had to be friends. We exchanged numbers and went out to lunch a few times before she invited me to her house to meet her husband.

I was in complete shock. He congratulated me on my recent album's success and I was in disbelief he even knew I existed. I immediately told him how I've been a huge fan of his since N.W.A..

Even though I've been traveling all over in the last year, I've stayed in touch with Nicole and Dre- both of them taking a liking to me. Enough so that when I mentioned wanting a new sound for my music, Dre didn't hesitate to create some fresh beats for me. In this crazy celebrity life these past few years, I've so glad to have friends like Nicole and Dre.

"There you are!" Dre comes over and gives me a quick hug, "Girl, what took you so damn long? I was 'bout to drop my own verses on these beats." He says making me laugh. I can feel Marshall looking at me curiously but I avoid his eyes.

"Sorry! Traffic. I'm not used to how crazy it is driving around here. But I'm still willing to take those beats if you're still offering them. And I bet I'd do a better job with it anyways" I tease.

"Yeah, whatever." We both laugh and Dre takes a seat in one of the chairs.

"How's Nicole?" I ask.

"Good, good. Told her you'd be stoppin' by. She said to say hi and call her and all that shit, you know. How's uh, what ever the fuck his name is? David? Derek? Dan-"

I quickly cut him off. "Don't know, dont care. That's over and done with. After him, a nunnery is looking pretty good right about now."

"Oh, sorry to hear. Never liked him anyways." I let out a small chuckle as Dre grabs a CD case off the table and hands it to me. "As promised. I expect some dope tracks from these, a'ight?" I nod in promise, "Yo you got some time? Wanna check out what we've been working on here?"

"'Course I do. Is this for your next album?"

He shakes his head, hopping back up to the soundboard, "Nah. It's for my new guy Eminem. We did this track together for his new album. It's hot."

"I'm sure it is. I can't wait to hear it!"

My response was a bit too enthusiastic because Dre laughs, "I forgot, I'm talking to my biggest fan."

"Ha ha." I say sarcastically, feeling a bit embarrassed. I might have, once or twice, gotten carried away talking to him about songs of his and N.W.A. that I love. Luckily, he took it well and didn't think I was crazy. It's so weird sometimes being famous and meeting people that you're a fan of. But I've learned from that and meeting other celebrities I love has become easier.

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