Grocery store

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Allen was having a tantrum.
Mana just wanted to go to the store, pick up a few things and then leave. Since Nea wasn't home he had no choice but to take the small child with him shopping. Mana expected that his expedition would go on without a flaw but, oh boy, was he wrong. Mana should have expected that Allen would have wanted one of everything in the store since the boy was always looking for food it seemed. Mana sighed as he pushed along the shopping cart that Allen was currently sitting in, 'this boy has a black hole for a stomach.' "Maaanaaaa! Dango! There's dango can I have it?" Allen had snapped out of his tantrum when he spotted his beloved dango. "Allen, we didn't come here for dango." Mana told him softly, hoping not to start up another tantrum. Mana's prayers, however, where not answered when tears started to form in the corners of Allen's eyes once more. Mana stared at Allen for a moment before his resolve crumbled from how sad the kid looked. "Fine, but if I get you dango you aren't allowed to ask for anything else, alright?" Mana asked. The whitette quickly nodded vigorously. Mana turned the carts direction over to the table in the store that had containers of dango piled on top of it. Mana grabbed a box and handed it to Allen, "Now, don't open it just yet. Wait till we get home, alright?" "Okay, dad!" Allen chirped, tears somehow vanishing in under a second once he got his little hands on the container. Mana and Allen then looked through the rest of the store, picking up the items they came for and maybe a little more because Allen wouldn't stop staring at a few thing. He wasn't crying for anything anymore and Mana figured it would be fine to get a few more food items for Allen to enjoy. Together they bought their food and headed home. When they got home Mana was surprised to find Nea on the couch. "What?! Why're you home I thought you said you'd be out all day!" Mana fumed. "Uncle!" Allen exclaimed happily, running over to Nea with one of the dango sticks in his mouth. "Allen, don't run with that in your mouth you could hurt yourself." Nea scolded lightly as he picked up Allen once the boy was close enough and set him down on the couch next to him. "Don't just ignore me, Nea!" Mana exclaimed. "If you were here you could have watched Allen! You know how bad he is in a store filled with food?!" "Calm down, brother. I'm sure he wasn't that bad." Nea waved him off nonchalantly. "He begged for basically everything in the store and started having a tantrum when he didn't get it." Mana remarked. "I'm sure he enjoyed going shopping with you. Isn't that right, Allen? You enjoyed going shopping with Mana right?" Nea asked Allen. Allen smiled and nodded enthusiastically. "See? I'm sure he would have been bored here with me." Nea pointed out. Mana just rolled his eyes and huffed, "whatever, but next time we need to go shopping you're going and you're going to take Allen and see how bad it is." With that Mana walked off to put away the groceries while Nea and Allen turned their attention to the tv.

Child Allen scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now