Family Chaos

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Wow I'm so so sorry for disappearing off the face of the Earth- I just got really lazy (and very obsessed with Cuphead)
But please take this new chapter as a piece offering!

Idea credit: @Sadistic_Cutie <3 thank you!

   The two brothers knew this would have to happen eventually. They'd tried to hold off on it for as long as possible but of course their peaceful small family life had to end at some point. They'd very quickly lost sight of Allen when their relatives arrived for a visit, the small child easily became the center of attention to his excited family members.

Mana was quite worried for his son. He knew that the Noah family could be very.. extreme. Tyki was somewhere in the crowd though and he was decently responsible so he at least had some hope. Mana snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Nea place his hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down, you're stiff as a board. It's not like they'll kill him" His younger brother joked. Mana took a deep breath before nodded. His attention was brought back to the group when he heard giggling. There he saw Allen happily sitting on Skin's shoulders. It was amazing how he'd accomplished that feat since the brute of the Noah family usually didn't like kids.

"Well I'm a little jealous. Allen's stolen all of the attention" Mana snapped his gaze over to the side where the voice had come from and there he spotted Road.

"He's a cute kid, can you really blame them?" Nea asked, a snicker in his tone and Road pouted though she didn't disagree. She just wished that she could also be the center of attention. Really the only one who wasn't in the mass of Noah was Wisely though Wisely really only found Road cute even though Road never liked his constant pestering.

Timcanpy was also not entirely happy about the boy being given so much attention. He was being moved around so much that the gold golem couldn't settle onto his head so his fluffy snow white perch was unavailable. So after a few more failed attempts at landing on the kid's head he decided to just go to one of his second rate perches and flew down to Mana's head with a growl which Mana totally agreed with. Nea just laughed at them.

"Well now you've got someone to join your pity party over your son being more popular than you" the musician laughed, still finding his brother's attitude hilarious.

"Shut up Nea" Mana grumbled and crossed his arms, "I'm going to go make dinner, make sure they don't drop him" he told him sternly and Nea nodded doing a false salute which Road giggled at. Mana stories off to the kitchen, leaving the two along to laugh over his attitude together.

"Is he really always this protective over Allen?" Road asked curiously and Nea nodded.

"Yep, never lets him leave his sight if he takes him shopping," he confirmed which sent Road into another laughing fit. Neah noticed that Allen had been set down so he decided to be annoying to his relatives and called out to his nephew, "Hey Allen, c'mere." And Allen came over without another thought, happily hugging Nea's neck after he was lifted up.

"Aww come on, you get to me around him all the time you better not hog him," Jasdero frowned, his brother nodding along with his arms crossed. Nea just grinned.

"Well I'm his favorite uncle so maybe he wants to stay with me," The fourteenth grinned. Allen just silently watched his family and listened to their conversation.

"Oh really, you're his favorite? Come on, we all know I'm a lot more fun than you" Tyki spoke up with a slight glare.

"Oh? You wanna-" Nea was abruptly caught off guard by his brother stepping out of the kitchen.

"All of your start fighting" Mana said sternly and everyone fell silent and still. The only one moving was Allen who tugged at the collar or Nea's shirt and asked to be put down. His request was granted and he ran to his dad who ruffled his hair with a smile. "You want to help me make dinner? You can be my taste tester," He bribed and Allen's eyes basically shone.

"Yeah!" The white haired boy nodded eagerly with a big smile on his face before he ran into the kitchen to climb onto the counter, Tim flying after him. Before Mana turned to follow he gave his family a last glare to keep them from fighting before he joined his son to continue cooking.

The rest of the night was more calm and Mana was less worried about his son. He was thankful when everyone finally left and he could get his kid mostly to himself. Of course Nea still existed so he didn't get complete alone time for father son bonding but it was better than having to deal with their whole family at once.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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