Preschool day 1

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Mana was kneeling down on the ground as Allen hugged him tight, not able to reach fully around Mana's torso but about halfway there. "It's alight Allen, I'll be back to pick you up soon." Mana told his adopted son comfortingly as he pet Allen's head. "B-but I don't w-want y-you to go!" Allen cried, holding onto Mana like his life depended on it. Mana's smile softened, "Allen, look at me." He requested. Allen slowly raised his head, his silver eyes gleaming with tears. "You have to be a strong boy alright? It'll be okay and you'll make friends. Now, can you be brave for me?" Mana asked. Allen nodded slowly and sadly. He released Mana from his tight grip and wiped the tears from his eyes, trying to be strong like his father wanted. "There we go. Now, be good while I'm gone okay? I'll be back to pick you up before you know it." Mana told him. "O-okay." Allen replied. "Okay, lets go in and meet everyone, then I have to go." Said Mana, standing up to his full height and taking Allen's small hand in his as they walked into the preschool room where Allen would go to attend his class. It was a nice little establishment with different classrooms like a normal school but the rooms were filled with childish things and the walls were decorated with a few numbers and letters. There were tables scattered around the room with different things on them like paper and crayons or building blocks. On the wall to the left of the door there was a whiteboard with the name of the teacher on it. Kids were running around and playing and... wait where was the teacher..? Allen moved closer to Mana, uncomfortable near so many other people. "Now where is the-" Mana started to speak but was caught off guard as a man wearing a white beret, white coat and glasses popped out of seemingly no where. "Ah! Another new student hmm? It seems you were the one we were waiting for! Come play with everyone else!" The cheerful man exclaimed, "Uh, excuse me..?" Mana tried to start a conversation with the man but he continued talking, "I'm Komui Lee, the teacher for this class! I have a darling little sister and she's here to! I bet you'll make amazing friends but don't get too close." Komui seemed a bit threatening while warning Allen not to get to close to his sister. Allen stared up at the man and he inched colder to Mana and tightened his hold on his father's hand. "Mr. Lee, can you please stop scaring Allen.?" Mana requested with fake politeness. "Hmm? Scaring? I wasn't trying to scare him.. sorry, little Allen." Komui apologized as he pat Allen's head. "Anyways, we'll get started soon~" Komui said in a sing-song voice as he spun around and headed over to a girl with long blue hair that had been pulled into pigtails. Mana let out a small sigh as he looked down at Allen. "I have to go now, be good alright?" Allen nodded and hesitantly let go of his dad's hand. "Okay, dad." Mana ruffled Allen's white hair and the boy pouted and quickly fixed his hair once Mana pulled away his hand. "I'll be back before you know it Allen." And with that Mana walked out of the door and was gone, leaving Allen alone. He wasn't alone forever though. Another boy around his age with spiky red hair beelined for the white haired boy and huddled behind him while yelling, "Hide me, Yuu is coming!" "You..?" Allen asked in confusion before another boy with long dark blue hair came running at him, "NEW KID, HAND OVER THAT BAKA USAGI OR FEEL MY WRATH!" The blue haired boy yelled with rage. Allen stiffened in surprise and glared at him in slight annoyance, "My name is Allen! Not 'new kid'!" "Che, whatever. Hand over the damn rabbit." The kid demanded. "Yuu! Don't be so mean to him, he didn't do anything!" The red haired kid who Allen assumed was named Usagi piped up. Just then, the blue haired boy's hand shot foreword and he shoved Allen aside so he could get to the boy who was huddling behind Allen. "Never say my first name ever again!" The blue haired kid yelled. He had tackled the red haired boy to the floor. "Alright, alright. Calm down and let me go." The redhead pleaded. Once the blue haired kid was off of him he got up and walked over to where Allen had fallen down after getting pushed and offered a helping hand which Allen accepted and was pulled up off of the carpeted floor. "The names Lavi, the one with anger issues over there is Kanda. Thanks for being my human shield for a bit." Lavi joked with a wink. "U-uh no problem?" Allen wasn't very sure of what to say. He glanced over at Kanda who was standing behind Lavi only to hear him make that 'che' noise again and walk off with his arms crossed. "Now, now! Let's all get along and start getting to know each other since this is going to be our little classroom family!" Komui said while clapping his hands with a smile, "how about you go first Lenalee~?" Komui asked hopefully. The girl in question sighed before introducing herself as Lenalee Lee. All of the other kids were making their way toward the cleared out space on the carpet near the whiteboard to sit down. Lavi grabbed ahold of Allen's hand and tugged him over to the area of the room to sit down. "Good! Who's next?" Komui asked cheerfully. "Kanda." Kanda huffed out. "But that's just your last-" Komui started saying but was cut off my Kanda's threatening gaze. For a kid he was pretty threatening. "O-okay... Kanda it is then..." Komui murmured, frightened. Lavi jumped up to his feet to announce his name. "I'm Lavi! Lavi Bookman!" He introduced himself enthusiastically. One by one everyone else introduced themselves until everyone had gone but Allen. "And how about you?" Komui looked over to Allen expectantly as did the rest of his classmates. "I-Uh I'm Allen Walker..." Allen stated quietly. Nobody said anything for a few minutes and he looked up worriedly only to find kind inviting smiles, minus Kanda but what did you expect? Lavi slung his arm around Allen's shoulders, "Welcome to our little family, Allen!" Lavi cheered. A smile broke through Allen's worried facial expression and he hugged Lavi back, "I'm happy to be here!"

Hhhhhhhh that took a bit to write, sorry if a few parts of this are unclear of what's happening but I hope it's good

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