Snack Time

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I honestly had no idea what to do for this since but since this was the only thing my buddy would requested here it is. (Sigh) enjoy this chapter made by me just winging it without any thinking.

It was almost lunch time but as always, Allen was hungry. "Alright, alright. What do you want to eat? Something light though, I'll make lunch once Nea gets back." Mana told his adopted son. Allen stood there thinking for a minute before coming to a conclusion. "Dango!" The boy exclaimed. "Allen, we don't have any dango. Can you think of anything else you might want?" Mana asked with a chuckle. Allen pouted, now that he thought of something we wanted to eat he wouldn't rest until he got it. He was stubborn like that. "Dango, Mana! I want dango!" Allen exclaimed. "Allen, I'm not going to go to the store just to get you dango. Can you choose anything else? If you can't think of something we actually have then you'll just have to wait for lunch." And just like that, the boy's attitude dropped and clear tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. "But I want dango..." he murmured. "Allen, I'm not falling for your fake tears." Mana told him firmly. Mana expected that Allen would quit acting when he realized that it didn't work but the tears started streaming down his face. Mana couldn't take seeing his son like that so he caved fairly quickly. "Alright, fine. We'll go get dango if you'll cheer up, okay?" Mana asked softly, and suddenly a smile made its was onto Allen's face as his sadness dissipated instantly. Mana sighed and ruffled Allen's hair. 'This kid is going to be the death of me.' He thought to himself. "Come on, lets go get your dango." Mana said, walking over to the door and opening it. Allen skipped out of the house, "Thank you dad!" Allen said happily. "Sure thing." Mana replied. Together they headed to the store to buy Allen's dango.

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty tired and I didn't even check for any spelling errors. If you see any feel free to point em out, and sorry for how short this is.

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