Sugar Rush

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Hey uh- been awhile huh?
I know this one isn't one I've been requested to do- I'll get to my requests once I've thought about how they'll work because I'm not sure how the Black Order kidnapping Allen would go (cause the Black Order is his preschool-) and I'm also not sure how to right all the Noah's meeting Allen-
But in the meantime enjoy uh- t h i s
And if anyone had any suggestions feel free to comment em- I'll get to em hopefully soon

Oh god Nea had made a mistake. Possibly the biggest mistake ever.

What was that mistake you may ask? Well, his nephew was basically bouncing off the walls. He shouldn't have given him so much candy but the norm is giving kids candy on Easter! He didn't know that the kid would eat it all in one day! Then again it was Allen that he was talking about and that child had a black hole for a stomach so maybe it wasn't much of a surprise.

"Nea I swear- in what world is giving Allen candy a good idea!??" Mana asked, concerned for his son's health because that was a lot of candy but at the same time he was mad at his brother.

"It isn't my fault he has no self control over how much candy he eats-" Nea tried to defend himself

"He's f i v e. Obviously he wouldn't have any control. Candy is good and with his mind set it's probably just 'eat as much as you can'" Mana said exasperatedly. His attention was caught when he first heard a crash and then felt something grab his leg and he looked down to see the snow haired child hugging his leg.

"Daaaad! I wanna play! Can you play with Tim and me?" He asked excitedly and Mana reached down to ruffle his hair while he laughed a little.

"Yes I'll play but can I ask what that crash was?" Mama asked with a slightly nervous tone to his voice.

"Oh, I accidentally knocked over a vase- I'm sorry!" Allen apologized quickly and Nea sighed.

"I'll clean it up since this is basically all my fault. You just play with him to keep him from breaking anything else" the younger brother out of the two adults said and went to go get a towel to mop up the water that was no doubt on the floor since the vase had held flowers.

"Thank you Nea!" Mana called after his brother before turning his attention to the kid who was still waiting impatiently. "Okay Allen, what would you like to play?" He asked and Allen brightened up.

"Tag!" Allen cheered happily, bouncing a little which caused Tim, who had somehow been asleep on the child's head' to stir and fly into the air to hover above Allen's head.

"Alright, how about we play that outside?" Mana asked, not wanting anything else in the house to be damaged and Allen happily nodded his head.


That one was a shorter one- I apologize-

But now it's time for some shameless self promotion.
Any of you like Tododeku?
Anyone like soulmates?
Well then, if your answer to those questions is yes to at least the first one then I have a story to suggest!
It's a new one I'm writing with a friend called 'Love is Timeless'
If you have any interest at all to see what it's about please go check it out! :)

Anyway, love you all! Hope you enjoyed the story and have a lovely day/night! <3

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