Chapter IX - Don't Stop me Now

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Ben and Joe didn't take long to get to the club. During the whole way there, Joe kept making a bunch of questions, that Ben gladly ignored.

The lights kept changing colors and the sound of the music was so loud he could feel his tympanum trembling, which was a bit uncomfortable, but that's how clubs work. They kept tumbling into sweaty bodies from dancing too much and Ben knew it would be complete hell to try to find Summer, but well, that's what he thought, the truth is that it was way easier than he could ever imagine.

'Don't stop me now' from Queen started playing, but it wasn't Freddie's very known voice, but it was a voice known to him. He followed the lights there were directed to where the stage was and well, there she was, almost falling from just standing, with a big smile on her face, Summer, with Lucy by her side, dancing and singing to Don't stop me now. Summer would do all this dance moves, like it was choreographed before that moment, like she always knew those steps, it was truly impressive and her voice was stunning, breath taking, she could hit really high notes, even been drunk as fuck.

 Summer would do all this dance moves, like it was choreographed before that moment, like she always knew those steps, it was truly impressive and her voice was stunning, breath taking, she could hit really high notes, even been drunk as fuck

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Ben just stood there, watching her performance, opening a big smile, feeling her Freddie energy yelling at them. Everyone danced and sang along, Summer couldn't look any happier. The song was over and the DJ held Summer's hand high.

"This is Summer Olssen everyone!" everyone clapped and Summer blew a kiss.

Now Ben knew her name, that was a easy way to find out more things about her and he sure would research her later.

Lucy helped Summer get down from the stage and they whispered something to each other, that was inaudible to Ben and Joe.

"I'm truly impressed with your game, Ben" Joe yelled, hoping he would hear him "You've got one hell of a woman".

Ben smiled with Joe's comment, hurrying up to get to Summer, that was heading to the outside of the club.

Summer looked all over her purse, not finding what she was looking for. Then she found it, on a guy's hand, two steps away from her.

"Can you give me one?" she asked the guy that was smoking.

"Sure" he gave her a cigarette and lit it up.

"You surely didn't taste like cigarettes back in Greece" she heard that one familiar voice she was trying to escape.

"Fuck" she smoked some more "that's because I only smoke when I'm drunk" she turned around, walking away from him, as Joe and Lucy just watched.

"Roger Taylor smoked a lot" he said, hushing up to her side "I'll have to smoke a lot on the shoots, maybe we can do it together".

"You are one hell of a persistent boy aren't you" she couldn't help to laugh from feeling so stupid about him.

"Watch out!" ben said, holding her before she would fall on the pathway "how drunk are you?"

"On a scale from one to really drunk, really drunk" they both laughed "I feel like throwing up".

"I'll hold you're hair" he smiled, standing up in front of her and well, she gave him a weird look that he could not read, followed by a barf hitting his clean shoes.

And she passed out.


Summer woke up with the worse hangover of her life. She opened her eyes and quickly stood up, scared for her life, having no idea of where she was. She looked at her body and it was covered only by a guy's big t-shirt, that she recognized right away, it was Ben's shirt, which just got her even more confused. Summer rushed to the door, holding her boot on her hand, ready to attack the stranger that kidnapped her.

She opened the door, trying to be as quiet as possible, walking on the tip of her toes, finding out that the place she woke up was an beautiful apartment, but where and...who's. A couple steps more and she heard some singing coming from the kitchen, it was the lyrics of down stop me now. Summer jumped, letting out a big yell, raising her boot up, ready to attack.

"What the fuck Summer!" Ben looked back, stopping the breakfast he was making, stumbling on Summer's psycho face, laughing his lungs out "oh my god, Sum".

"Fuck Ben" she sighed, letting go of the boot, putting her hand on her chest, feeling her heartbeat slowing down a bit "what is going on? where am I? PLEASE DON'T TELL ME WE..."

"We did not fuck, don't worry" he stopped her, talking over "I would not enjoy having sex with your vomited mouth" he laughed "I have higher standers than that".

"What?" Summer looked confused, still standing up a bit far away from Ben.

"You really don't remember anything do you?" he was impressed, she was really hangover "You and Lucy went to a club, got really drunk and then you vomited on my shoes and passed out, so I took you to my home, aka, where you are now, you took your clothes of, telling me it was hot, so I gave you one of my shirts, I put you to sleep and then i slept on the sofa" he pointed at the sofa, that had a pillow and a blanket on it.

"Please tell me you're joking" she passed her hands on her face "oh my god".

"No joke" he laughed.

"I'm so sorry, this is awful" she set down on the sofa.

"It's okay, Sum, you're hilarious when drunk" he smiled "do you want some breakfast".

"If I eat I'll throw up, for sure, Ben I gotta go home, where are we? how do I get home?"

"Stay for a while, I can buy something for your headache" he sat next to her "and you should at least drink some juice, I have orange and mango".

"Is is natural?" she gave up.


"Then give me a mango".

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