Chapter XII - The Wall

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"Yes, I'm moving in the end of the month" Summer said on the phone, while closing the door of her apartment "yes I told mom" she walked towards the sidewalk "I don't want a british boyfriend, Dylan" she rolled her eyes, her brother was always like that, trying to get her with some guy, joking that he wanted a nephew "yes I did roll my eyes" at the other end, Dylan kept talking about how Summer never changed, that sometimes he wanted her eyes to roll and never get down and they both laughed "how's Ana and Janis?" he told her all about them and how he got a new dog named Cat because, well because Janis wanted and then told her that Janis was just like her, crazy. They talked during the entire path to Summer's job and when she finally arrived, she said "tell the kids and Kat I said hi okay? Now i gotta go, Love you" she heard a ' i love you too ' and then hanged. 

The day went by normal, nothing big, nothing different, just worked a lot, talked to the director and wrote some personal notes, of things she would do different. It was definitely frustrating to have all those ideas and notes, having to keep it all to herself, because the director refused to hear anyone but his ego. She knew directors could be like that, arrogant and egocentric, Summer knew how to deal with that, she was used to it, but she never stopped been frustrated with it. Not long after that it was lunch time and Summer completely forgot about it, half an hour passed and she was still there, typing on her notebook, trying to solve the problems that showed up.

"Don't you ever eat? Is that why you are so skinny" Lucy showed up, sitting in front of Summer, with a sandwich on her hand "too much work can kill you, you know" she took a bite.

"What time is it?" Summer got out of her little bubble of work.

"3 pm".

"Oh my god" she finally realized she was starving "I should go get something".

"Don't take long! I Wanna chat" Lucy smiled and Summer couldn't resist, she adored Lucy and they barely knew each other, besides they drunk talk that Summer don't really remember.

Summer, took her credit card, then left her purse with Lucy and only took her phone with her, checking her instagram, something she wasn't really used to doing. She stepped in the elevator, not really looking who was inside, been so distracted with her phone, until she got a notification. 

- benhardy1 started following you -  

"I have a question" Ben said, scaring the shit out of Summer "why do you have photos dressed as Cinderella?" she looked back and there he was, giving her that smile.

"My nieces love Cinderella" Summer didn't really know why she was telling him that "So I dressed up as Cinderella for their birthday 2 years ago", she looked straight, trying to pretend he wasn't there.

"That's so sweet" he looked down at his phone, looking at her other photos "who's this guy you hugging on many photos?" now he was starting to get a bit jealous.

"Are you jealous, Mr. Hardy?" she turned back, now completely, been face to face with him "and how did you get my instagram?".

"First of all, no I'm not jealous" he put his phone on his pocket "and I just looked over your shoulder two seconds ago and saw your username".

"I'll pretend I believe you" she laughed, sarcastic.

"I am not jealous" he said once again "and also, you look gorgeous on a Cinderella dress" he sounded so charming.

"Look" Summer started to make her point "I'm not  going out with you" she was not determined at all, but sure tried to pull that off.

"Did I ask you to go out with me?" he rested his  body on the wall of the elevator "also you forgot to push the button to wherever  you were going" Ben tried to be superior. 

"You did! Not even one day ago" she ignored his button comment.

"Do you wanna go out with me? Is that why you're telling me about your nieces and ignoring the elevator not moving at all?" his smile was growing bigger, such as the sexual tension between them.

"I'm not dating you and I'm definitely not sleeping with you again" he wanted to laugh, he knew she was struggling "you're my boss".

"I'm your bosses boss" he was so cocky she wanted to punch him and also...kiss him.

"you're sexually harassing me" she thought that argument might work.

"I'm riding and elevator" he wanted to fuck her right there.

"Look, I'm making this wall, this wall of boundaries, the wall is built, you can't cross it" now Summer had already lost all of her arguments and didn't even really know what she was saying "there's a big wall and you cant cross it".

"So this wall" that smiled was driving her  crazy "is it imaginary or do I need to call trump to help you build it?" at that point she wasn't even listening to him anymore, she kept starring at his lips, feeling her body on fire and without thinking at all, she kissed him, pressing him against the wall harder, with her body. He immediately kissed her back, feeling her warm tongue touching his. The fact that she kissed him was not only very empowering for him, it made him super horny. He picked her up, holding her ass with his hands, while pushing her against the elevator wall. Summer pulled his hair and his neck, trying to get closer and closer to him, when what she really wanted was for him to fuck her. She could feel his cock hard pressing against her pussy and that was driving her insane, she was thirsty for sex and so was he. That kiss brought back all of the feelings they had back in Greece, making them remember why they got together to begin with and on how great it was.

Summer's was already out of breath, with her legs shaking a bit when they heard the elevator noise for it to open. She pushed him away fast, crossing her arms and not looking up.

"Hey dude, we were looking for you!" Joe said, walking in the elevator, with Gwil next to him "oh, hi Summer" he was surprised to see her, especially all messy, with her hair up and her lipstick all over the place.

She waved him a "hi" and quickly got off the elevator, walking as fast as she could,  but now with a small smile on her face, something that Ben was always doing, smiling, watching her running away, again.

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