Chapter 10

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At school on Monday, Ella actually shows up. She has her hood up with shades on again, but she's here. Even more surprising is the fact Shauna is with her. As far as I know, Shauna only comes like three times a month and that's it. The two walk into class, disregarding Ivy and Andrew who try to speak to them. Instead, they sit on the other side of the room with this guy and girl I don't know.

"Who are those people they just sat with?" I whisper to Gabriel. He twists around in his seat and shrugs.

"I don't know. Ask Zach or Claudia. Those two know everything." Gabriel replies then goes back to looking at the front of the room. I look over my shoulder again to see Shauna arguing very animatedly with the boy. She's waving her hands around and poking his chest. Ella and the other girl are just watching, amused.

Ella catches me looking and sends me a wink before getting in between the two. Lucky for them, we have a substitute that's giving us a free period. I nonchalantly walk over to Ella and her friends. Shauna is sitting in her seat, pouting, so she doesn't even acknowledge me. On the other hand, Ella grins.

"Hey, Tony. What's up?"

"Hey, Ella. Who's your friends?" I high five her and nod towards the unknown boy and girl.

"These are my homies, Sam and Adam. Sam is practically Shauna's sister and Shauna and Adam are sworn enemies or you know bed buddies." She explains, running her fingers through her long blonde hair. "I'm not sure where Jamie is."

"He's with Gilver today." Sam speaks up. She regards me with a cold look as she sits on Shauna's desk. They're both very pretty and could probably rival each other in looks. Shauna is more angle, though, while Sam is delicate curves.

"Oh, okay. Big disappointment, though." Ella pouts and my eyes practically pop out of my head. Ella is already so beautiful but when she pouts, she pushes her lower lip out and widens her blue eyes. And I'd be beat to a pulp before admitting that it's anything but adorable.

"So, how do you know Icy, here?" Adam asks me as I sit down in Sam's abandoned chair.

"Icy? Whose Icy?" I look at him, confused.

Ella laughs. "I'm Icy. That's my nickname from them. Icy and Killer."

I frown, slightly. "Why do they call you Icy?"

"Because she's as cold as ice when she's angry at you." someone says from behind me. I turn around and see Ivy, standing there looking semi nervous. Ella fixes her glare on Ivy and I can see where she gets her nicknames. "Hi, Ella."

"What do you want, Ivy!" Ella snaps, the hurt and desperation in her voice sounding so much unlike herself that I have the urge to wrap her in a hug. But I refrain from it as I see her clench her fists, which is a small reminder of her violent tendencies.

"Can I talk to you in private? Please?" Ivy's voice is small and quiet. Ella doesn't seem to care that the girl is scared of her because she snaps.

"TALK TO ME!Didn't you have enough time to talk to me when you called the police? YOU COULD HAVE TALKED TO ME WHILE MY FATHER PRACTICALLY DISOWNED ME! NOW YOU WANT TO TALK?" Ella screams in absolute anger. Everyone in the classroom is watching her wide eyed and scared, including Caine and Gabriel. She's shaking in anger and frustration as she stares down Ivy who is cowering away.

Shauna breaks out of her trance first and touches Ella's shoulder, lightly. She whispers something into Ella's ear I can't hear but Ella nods and jumps up, running from the room. With her gone, everyone looks over at Ivy, most kids wondering what she did to get the famous January Blizzard, as I learn they call Ella's melt downs.

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