Chapter 2

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Sorry for the wait guys!!!

been really busy so it was hard to get this up DX so ill try update more recently ok?


w“What was that about?” Cale groans, helping to take my weight.

“I thought you’d know… seeing as you hang out with them…” I manage to say, grimacing at the effort.

“Well… I know that Jamie wants your spot in the extended music program, and that she is happy to get a gang of people to beat you up for it…” Cale groans, helping me stay on my feet.

“I think I better pull out…” I moan, pulling my hand up to wipe a little blood off my mouth.

“Why? You’re really good…” Cale says, helping me limp through the path of trees.

“Yeah… well I’m sure she’s better than me…” I mumble. I honestly mean it. I sing, as well as playing guitar. But I'm not that good. There are people out there who are at least 10 times better than me. I don’t really feel like I’m good enough for this kind of thing. Even if I have talent (which I'm pretty sure I don’t) being discovered and signed up to a music label is so rare. And you need to be special and different for that kind of thing to happen to you. But hey… a girl can dream?

“What are you talking about Luna?” Cale asks, suddenly coming to a stop. Oh yeah, before I forget. I’m Luna, Luna Sparring. Well… technically its Delilah Sparring, people tend to shortened that to Lilah Sparring. I hated it… it didn’t suit me. So I get people to call me Luna. Luna, Lilah… not much of a difference!

“I’m not good enough for it anyway… so why bother if it’s just gonna make you loose friends?” I sigh, trying to take more of my own weight. I wince, leaning back into him.

“Are you alright?” He suddenly drops the subject.

“I guess… hey Cale? Have you seen Shay?” I put on a fake smile, trying not to let the pain in my whole left side show.

“Yeah, I saw her while I was running with the others, she was pacing outside the library.” Cale says, putting an arm round me to help me keep my balance.

“She’s going to kill me…” I mutter, pushing my forefingers to my temple.

“Why’s that?”

“I promised her I’d spend more time with her, seeing as she’s leaving Rheeston High after this term…” I sigh. I’m looking forward to time at this boring school without her. Sure, Cale is a great friend… but Shay and I are so alike it’s kind of scary. She’s the only girl I’ve ever been friends with. Her mother said she had to go to some fancy private school out of the state after this term. I shudder at the thought of her only being here for four more weeks.

“Oh… sorry about that.” Cale says awkwardly.

“It’s alright… hey, do you think you could help me over to the library? My next class is there anyway.” I smile, still keeping my straight face.

“Sure thing, lets go” Cale says with a grin, half walking half carrying me in through the oak doors.

 The cleanness of the whole place is astounding. The cleaners worked tirelessly to keep the place spotless and no one dared to get in their way. The cleaners glared at you if you dared to put a single finger on anything that had just been cleaned. I keep my head down (as usual) and avoid the glances from the other sides of the hall. I can feel their eyes on us as we walk across the hallway. Why why why does the library have to be at the other end of the school? We walk up the stairs, carefully and slowly.

“You ok?” Cale asks, stopping halfway up the stairs.

“Yeah…” I manage, wiping the sweat from my forehead. I can feel the side of my face starting to swell a little from the punch. I play with my long side-fringe that almost covers the left side of my face. I tug it a little, trying to cover the cut on my lip.

“You look pretty pale… you sure you don’t want me to take you to the school nurse?” Cale says, looking nervously down at me.

“I’ll be fine…” I mumble, trying to continue up the stairs. Cale catches the end of my long ponytail.

“You sure Luna?” He looks me in the eye and I know he can read me like a book.

“No… no I’m not ok.” I confess, looking down at my feet.

“Now we’re getting somewhere!” Cale grins at me.

“I have no idea what to do…” I feel the tears forming before I can stop them. I feel Cale let go of my hair and put a hand on my shoulder. I look back up at him.

“Luna… you’ll be fine. Please don’t pull out. You need this. I’ll stand up for you. You’ve been my friend since we were kids and that’s not going to change any time soon. I’m gonna fight for you to get what you need.”

“Cale…” I manage to say through the tears that are threatening to roll down my cheek.

“Shut up and keep walking.” He smiles at me. I grin back at him, feeling the tears fly.

“Softie.” Cale smiles, jabbing me in the ribs. I laugh, as he helps me to the library

“THERE YOU ARE! I’ve been waiting for almost half an hour! Luna… where the hell have you been!” Shay explodes. Her reddish hair, which is straight and falls perfectly no matter what, flies as she storms over to us. Her grey eyes look into mine with such intensity I feel as she could melt me with acid at any moment. She’s wearing shorts over a floppy grey shirt. She pulls her beret straight angrily.

“I was…” I try to start but Shay goes into another angry rant.


“I was…” I try again, only to get cut off by Shay again.


“I was…” I try yet again, but this time Cale interrupts me.

“Shay… please don’t be so rude. You have no idea why she was late.” Cale says calmly.

“YEAH? Well smart guy… why was she so late?” Shay says angrily, turning slightly to face him.

“I was in a tree…” I manage to say, interrupting their argument.

“What… oh Luna. Did they… find you?” Shay says in a choked voice, pushing Cale away and wrapping her arms around me. I stumble a little, yelping slightly as she squeezes me.

“Yeah… they found her.” Cale says awkwardly, standing a little back from both of us.

“I didn’t ask you! Don’t you usually hang out with them!” Shay steams, letting go of me. I stabilise myself and stand, helpless as they restart their argument.

“I used to hang out with them.” Cale corrects her

“Yeah… but I’m sure you were no help when they were beating her up!” Shay says, shoving his shoulder. Cale stands, towering over her.

“In fact… I stopped them.” Cale growls.

“Just stop it guys… Cale helped, and now I’m good!” I say, stepping forwards. This isn’t the best idea. My head spins and I slip backwards, my head hitting the floor. I swear, colliding with the lino floor as the world goes black.

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