Chapter 3

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Hey readers! 

73 reads already? Wowsers… I feel pretty snazzy now XD 

Well… I'm pretty darn annoyed by writing in present tense… it is KILLING ME! So if you all don’t mind… ill be writing in past tense from now on. I'm sick of the freaking present tense. There’s only so much I can take!!! So yeah… sorry bout the tense change. Luv ya lots (as a friend in a not creepy stalker way!)

SORRY FOR THE WAIT GUYS! I had lots to do this week XP


I woke to the sound of my head throbbing. The rushing of blood in my temple was loud in my head. WHOOOOOOOSH WHOOOOOOOSH WHOOOOOOOSH. I heard the mumble of voices from outside the room I was in.  I could feel that my skin was tight over my cheek, shoulder and hip. I felt a burning sensation in my ribs as I groaned. The room swirled again as I tried to sit up. I moaned and flopped back down onto the hard mattress I was on. The school nurse’s office was cold, dark and mostly grey. I heard the mumble of voices stop and there was a moment of only the dull thud of footsteps on the lino floor.

The door opened and banged against the wall. I covered my ears against the loud BANG that echoed in the room.

“Hey, how are you?” the school nurse smiled as she came in.

“Uh… sore.” I groaned, my voice hoarse.

“Well, someone is coming to pick you up in about fifteen minutes.” The nurse said, pulling some pain-killers out of the drawer.

“But… Mom is away on a business trip for the next three days.” I said, feeling embarrassed.

“Don’t worry, we made some arrangements.” She said, half-heartedly filling a cup of water and thrusting it at me.

“Take some panadol.” She smiled sweetly, going back into the hall.

“There are two others here for you.” She yelled from outside.

“LUUUUNNNNNAAAAAA!!!!” I heard Shay yell from outside. I smiled to myself. Shay and Cale bustled into the small room. It was oddly crowded with all three of us inside.

“How are you feeli-“ Cale started before Shay cut him off.

“How are you feeling?” She interrupted, shoving Cale aside and plopping onto the bed next to me. I took the painkillers and swallowed hard.

“Ok I guess…” I smiled awkwardly.

“Well you look pretty bruised.” Shay pouted, rubbing my cheek. I flinched as she touched me.

“I’ll just go then…” Cale said, awkwardly shuffling out of the room. I was tempted to stop him but I knew Shay would want to talk with me alone. As soon as Cale was out of earshot Shay turned to me.

“What’s up with you two?” She asked sceptically.

“Nothing, he’s just… a friend.

“Doesn’t look like that to me!” Shay pouted, sticking her bottom lip out.

I took another deep breath. “I swear, we’re only friends! We’ve been friends since primary school.” I explained.

“Did you see how he looked at you?” She smirked.

“Shut uuup.” I groaned, shoving her a bit. I winced at the strength it took.

“Look who it is!” A deep voice came from the hall. I felt my mouth fell open when he poked his head around the corner.

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