Chapter Four

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The silence was deafening as we approached the conference room. The man lingered behind me with tools that would clank together in every stride he would take, "we're here" I spoke as I turned the handle, it opened to a barren room. It was very spacious with different layers of grey that gave the room a very monotone feeling; I watched as he set his tools upon the table, setting up for the expedition.
"So what is it I need to check in here again?" He asked, "I believe it's the pipes overhead since a few of them have been leaking recently." He pulled himself up onto the table sturdining himself before straightening up, "could you be a doll and hand me that," he gestured at the bright orange flashlight, handing it over, he gazed up into the dark abyss. The man looked all around before placing his hand on his hip, he sighed, "well I have good news and I have bad news," leaning against the table I asked, "could you tell me the bad news first?" Popping his head down he spoke, "well there are a few minor points that could be potentially hazardous. It could spring a leak within a day or couple hours. However, I could replace it within an hour or so, just need to shut off the water and grab the parts." Nodding my head I jotted it down, "I'll make a call to get it turned off for you," I watched as he climbed down wiping his hands on his pants as he looked at me.

"You're the big boss's new assistant huh?" I nodded, "I'm Marco, the head maintenance man around here." He held out his hand that I took in mine, "Megan" I replied; his grip tightened and pulled me into him, "I was also told that the big guy must like you a lot considering that you two were caught fraternizing in the hall earlier." He whispered in my ear, "I wonder how much," he gripped my waist and held me into a tight embrace, "your quite beautiful might I add." The man buried his face into my neck; the more I struggled the tighter the embrace got. His warm tongue dragged against the nape of my neck before he latched himself on it, "stop it" I spoke breathlessly still trying to shove him off, as his hands began to grope my body my blouse came undone.

The man unlatched himself, gazing down and stroking the side of my neck, "I wonder what he'll think about that." I shoved him away from me, "what, what the hell was that!" I yelled visibly upset about the situation that occurred; a twisted smile appeared on his face as he approached, pinning me against the wall. He glared with a fiery expression, grabbing my face he said, "nothing against you, but this is to mess with him, for what he did years past. This is only the beginning princess, if I were you I would quit." Marco stepped away from me, grabbing his tools from the table, "consider yourself lucky, I have all the black mail in the world about him so no point in filing a complaint against me. It'll only be shot down, let's do this again sometime." He grinned as he departed the room walking back down the corridor to the elevators, grabbing my neck I shivered, of course out of all the people in the building it just had to be me. Taking a glimpse at myself I sighed, "I'm a mess" I said, sliding down the wall until my butt hit the floor. I sat here for a bit contemplating whether or not to go back to Mr Arrington's office or continue on like nothing happened. My blouse was in a state of distraught along with the rest of me, it appeared that one of the buttons had fallen off during the altercation with that brute of a man if you would even call him that. Trying the best I could I straightened it and returned it inside my skirt, taking out my phone I looked to see the damage caused by that menace and low and behold there it was clear as day.
A bright reddish purple hickey laid there upon my neck, a little puffy still. I sighed, all my makeup is in my car in the parking garage and the keys to that car are in the office, his office; then a thought occurred to me. I will just put my hair down for now and place a bandaid over it later, messily shaking out my hair. I tried smoothing it out, however my hair had other plans and decided to frizz out.

"Great," I said out loud, continuously stroking my hair. I grabbed the clipboard off the floor and stomped my way back to the elevator to get that bandaid, smashing the button I waited for the doors to open. When they finally did, I was greeted by an unexpected guest, "fancy seeing you here, maybe it's fate," Leon said as the corners of his mouth curved into a goofy grin, "hello again Leon." Stepping into the elevator I clicked the top floor, "hmm you seem off," taking his hat off he placed it on me, "did something happen?" He asked as he lit a cigarette, waving my hand I spoke, "nothing to be concerned about and I don't think your supposed to light that in here." The puffy cloud formed from his lips as it swept around the confined place causing my eyes to water just a bit, "yeah you're probably right," he threw the bud on the floor before smashing it under his boot.

"You should be wary working here Megan, there are some very questionable people who lurk around and aren't the nicest to be caught with." He said as he grabbed his hat placing it back upon his head, "I'm afraid I already had an altercation with one of those said people," I replied rubbing the back of my neck I so carelessly revealed the marking catching Leon's attention. However he didn't say anything, just brushed my hair back over my shoulder, "probably should let him know about that altercation Megan, otherwise it could happen again. Or it could end up being a lot worse than this," I nodded, clutching the clipboard to my chest, "I will notify him of it" I spoke softly as the doors opened. Leon stepped out into the sea of people before turning around and waving as he slowly disappeared among the crowd.

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