Part 1

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NOTE: Hi. ok. welcome. I hope you'll like this one because i actually love it very much. Although as always i feel like i should have dived in more with each character but alas i get really tired an only want to concentrate on Taekook and finish the story. Anyway please for give me for any spelling errors as i am posting this with out barely any edits at 3 in the morning :) please do enjoy.


Jungkook woke up again soaked in sweat as another nightmare had hit him. He could never remember what the dream was about, only that it haunted him almost every night ever since the car accident. Kaylee woke up next to him rubbing her eyes and turned on the bunny lamp sitting on his nightstand.

She soothes him by circling her hands around lower back where most of the pain use to be. "Another nightmare babe? Want me to get you some water?", she spoke with sleep still in her voice.

Jungkook shook his head no and puts his hands to his face, still trying to steady his breathing. "I wish I could at least remember what these dreams were about.... at least I'd know why I feel so terrified or lost when waking up".

Kaylee sighs as she rest her chin on his shoulders and moves in closer-hugging his arm, "It must still be the trauma from the accident. I mean you almost didn't make it baby. You may have lost your memories but your body and subconscious sure didn't. It just takes some time, I'll be right here helping you like always".

Jungkook tilts his head while facing his girlfriend, resting his chin on other hand, " I don't know what I'd do without you. You're literally heaven sent. Even with all my memories gone... you're the one thing that makes sense somehow".

Kaylee smiles sweetly as she places a kiss on his lips, "and don't you forget that".

"Never", Jungkook says as he pulls her back under the sheets.


Taehyung drags himself out of bed for another day. It's been like this for him. Living but not really living. He shuffles across the floor to head to the one bathroom he shares with his brother across the hall. As he nears the door, he hears soft moans and grunts making him even more irritable.

"SERIOUSLY GUYS? SERIOUSLY?", Taehyung yells as he rolls his eyes and hopes he fucked up their momentum.

He walks to the small kitchen instead and starts to pour out some coffee into the coffee maker for his brother while making two honey teas for himself and his suppose best friend. Soon enough the door to the bathroom opens and two bodies still very much intertwined walked into the kitchen with nothing but bathrobes on and flushed cheeks.

"You guys are disgusting. You know I use that bathroom too right?", Taehyung made an annoyed face but his tone was still playful.

"Hey. This was my place first you know. I've been done all the dirty deeds in that bathroom wayyyy before you came. I suggest holy water before and after every time you go in there", Yoongi chuckles as he pats his brother on the shoulder.

"Excuse me? We only started officially dating this year..... who else did you do the nasty with before me?", Jimin pouts while taehyung avoids his best friend's questioning look. Yoongi moves to the the coffee pot right as the light goes off.

"Oh look the coffee is done. Want some babe?", Yoongi totally ignores his boyfriend's deathly gaze.

"You know i don't drink that bitter water", Jimin says as his face clearly shows he wasn't about to drop his question.

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