Chapter 2

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There was a long silence. 

It lasted maybe 20 minutes, each dragging and only the sound of forks clanging on plates was heard. Eyes were avoided and moved everywhere except to one another's and soon Louis was tapping his fingers on the table, just needing some type of noise. Any noise.

He hated silences, because Louis loved to have something going on. He hated silence because it gave you time to think, and thinking can be dangerous. It lets your mind drift off to anything it wants, and that can lead to disaster.

Especially with Louis Tomlinson.

And his mind drifted, because it was quiet. Sadly, the first thing it drifted to was Harry Styles. He was all people talked about in school, and he didn't know why. But, when Liam said that Harry killed his own father, it didn't scare Louis.

Unlike most people, Louis didn't fear death or murder. He found it interesting, but not because he is crazy or a creep. Because everyone does something for a reason and most reasons are very peculiar and give an idea of how the person thinks.

His father was an officer, so Louis was hoping he knew something about this kid. It may be a strange question, but he found himself asking his father,"Do you know who Harry Styles is?"

"Everyone knows who he is," He replied vaguely, but Louis notices little things about people that others tend to ignore. Like the way his father gripped his fork a bit more, causing his knuckles to turn a while color and his chewing became more tense.

Louis nodded slowly, taking a sip of his tea before pursing his lips slightly and nonchalantly said,"Everyone at school kept talking about him. I heard a lot of crazy rumors, and someone told me he killed his father. Is it true?"

There was no response at first, but soon his father simply said,"Yes, he killed him when he was 12 years old with a gun. Shot him right in the chest, 3 times."

The boy didn't even look at all shocked, because Louis was an understanding person and knew there might be something behind Harry shooting his own dad. Not everyone has a nice relationship with their father, or maybe it was an accident somehow. 

"Does anyone know why he did it?" Louis questioned curiously, finishing up his chicken and dumped the bones in the trash, placing the plate in the sink before turning back to his dad that hasn't responded quite yet, probably thinking of how to reply.

But, he told Louis with a blank look,"No, he wouldn't tell anyone. He would stay silent and never reply to anyone's questions. So, he was just arrested and put in juvie. He just go released a few months ago, so he'll be returning to school I believe. I'm not sure when though."

And that explained a lot, because since he's released, everyone knew and that's why everyone is talking about him. He's the new gossip of the town, which is quite sad since the kid is probably freaking out over all the rumors and Louis felt bad, even if the guy killed someone.

"Louis." He looked up and saw his dad looking out the window and he said,"I'm going over to the neighbors, I loaned them a pan and need to use it for the brownies. Wanna come with me? I think they have a kid your age."

Seeing as he had nothing better to do, Louis nodded and the two tugged on their shoes before making their way outside, the cold weather of fall was crisp and Louis shivered slightly, tugging at the ends of his sleeves to cover his hands and followed his dad across the lawn and to the house next door.

The lawn was uncut, and Louis knew it meant that they were busy people who didn't have time to do their lawn. There was also the slight sound of their wind chimes clanging against each other, making Louis smile because he just loved any type of noise. It wasn't long after his father knocked on the door that a women wearing a nice outfit, consisting of tan jeans and a sweater that probably cost more than Louis' iPhone, opened the door.

 She had long, dark hair and deep brown eyes with a tight smile and said,"Hello Mr. Austin. What can I do for you?"

"I loaned you my pan last week and I'm sorry to bother you, but I was going to make brownies since my son is now living with me. Do you still have it?" He asked politely, making Louis grimace cause there was such a over-consuming tension building, and not the good kind.

She nodded, opening the door wider and glanced at Louis, saying with fake enthusiasm,"Why Hello! It's nice to meet you...Lewis? Was it?"

"Louis," He corrected, shaking her hand.

Suddenly a girl around Louis' age walked in, texting on her phone and didn't notice him until her, mother he is assuming, said,"Cassidy, dear, this is Louis. I believe he goes to your school, why don't you two chat while Troy and I search for his pan."

It wasn't a question. She was very demanding, Louis thinks when seeing his father and the lady leave, going into the kitchen he assumes. He looked at Cassidy, who had long, dark brown hair and blue-grey eyes, resembling her mother.

"Um, so you're new here? I never knew Officer Austin had a son," She said awkwardly, wearing her hair in a messy pony tail, showing her lack of caring for appearance, along with pajama pants and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt.

He nodded, saying nonchalantly,"Yeah, a lot of people don't. I lived with my mum most of my life, but she didn't accept me being bisexual, so I moved in with him a couple days ago. We just finished moving in my stuff yesterday."

"Oh, you're bisexual?" He mumbles a yes and she gives him a small smile,"That's nice. Not many people are open around here."

Louis snorted, saying with a smirk,"I've noticed. There's lots of lying and fake smiles being thrown around like it's the most normal thing ever. Is everyone in this town secretive?"

"You have no idea," She sighed before Louis' dad returned, pan in his hand and Cassidy's mother gave them her usual fake smile.


Cassidy was nice, Louis thought. The two walked to school together the next day, and she was a very confident, yet awkward and hilarious person. She also has a sassy side, which Louis enjoyed since he is generally sassy himself.

"But then my cousin flipped out just cause she didn't get to see the last 10 minutes of Keeping up with the Kardashians and she called me a jerk." Louis scoffed, cause that show was so dumb and Cassidy then added,"So, you know what I said?"

He chuckled,"What'd you say?"

"I said,'Nice attitude, where'd you get it from? Abercrombie and Bitch?" She snorted, causing Louis to high-five her as they walked inside the doors of school. "So, how was your first day in this nice place I like to call hell?"

He shrugged, following her to her locker and said,"It wasn't too bad. I kind of like school. Minus the learning, teachers, and students."

"Yeah, the walls are quite nice," She said, running her fingers over the wall, her nails painted a nice blue color, and Louis saw the slight indents meaning she gets impatient since she didn't wait for them to dry fully before being active.

He saw that class started soon, so he said goodbye before going to his locker, thankfully remembering where it was. Though, he had to find his combination cause his memory isn't that amazing.However, he overheard some girl whispering,"I can't believe they're letting him back in here, he might stab someone."

"I heard he did! Like, a week ago at the park, but no one could find the body so they didn't have proof," Another girl said, causing Louis to roll his eyes, cause if they couldn't find the body then how did they know this person supposedly stabbed someone?

Suddenly everything went quiet. The 5 minute bell rang and he sighed, shutting his locker and turned to get to class, but slammed into a hard chest, books falling everywhere and gasp were heard.Louis frowned, looking up to apologize and was met with dark, green eyes and by the expression of people around, he knew he ran into Harry Styles.

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