Chapter 3

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A silence was filling the hall, people waiting anxiously for what the curly haired boy was going to do. Louis wasn't scared at all, he was frozen, but not scared. It was impossible for Louis to be frightened in general.

But, he was shocked when Harry bent down, picking up his books and handed them to Louis, mumbling quietly,"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

The blue eyed boy watched Harry walk away with his head down as the crowd gathered in the halls gaped and whispers took over the silence. Louis was too shocked to see Zayn and Liam rushing to him, that was until they bombarded him with questions.

"Are you okay? I couldn't hear what he said, why did he pick up your books?" Zayn asked frantically, checking Louis over to see if he was hurt at all.

Before he could reply, Liam questioned in concern,"Did he threaten you? I'll tell the principal if he did. What did he say?"

"I would answer you if you guys gave me time," Louis scoffed, walking down the hall with them in tow and explained,"He just said he was sorry. He didn't hurt me at all, actually. I don't know why you guys think he's some psycho."

"Well, I don't know, maybe cause he murdered someone and went to prison?!" Zayn exclaimed, looking at Louis with disbelief.

The boy understood what his friends meant and why they were concerned. Harry did kill somebody, but Louis wanted to wait before judging him. So, he did kill his father, but he must have had a reason for doing so. Maybe he was forced to, it could've been an accident, or maybe he has mental issues and didn't know what he was doing.

Seeing he had 2 minutes till class, Louis waved goodbye and his new friends shot him a worried look when he turned the corner. He ignored them. The halls cleared out quickly, and Louis went to English class, sitting at his desk and got out his binder, looking over the packet he received the day before.

As he began working on it a bit, knowing he only had a few days till having to turn it in, he heard the final bell ring and his teacher, Ms. Haynes, stood up and said,"Alright class, that was the bell. Now pass up your homework and answer the question on the board on a blank sheet of paper."

Louis passed up his paper, then read the question on the board; Do you believe everyone has a happy ending?

He thought it over before writing out his answer on a paper, using as much examples and reasoning's behind what he wrote. Louis was a very deep and insightful person who took a lot of things to the heart, including his answers.It wasn't long till there was a knock at the door and soon the principal, Louis assumed, walked in with Harry following. This was the first time Louis got to actually look over the boy and he thought Harry was beyond gorgeous.

His dark, curly hair was long and falling in his face slightly even though a bandana was wrapped around it. He had on a white shirt, plaid one sticking out under his light blue, jean jacket and he was wearing skin tight jeans. But Louis' favorite thing was the boys eyes.

He always believed someone's emotions and thoughts can be seen through a person's eyes and Harry's green ones were dark, showing pain and loneliness. He felt like the kid was misjudged, especially mistaken.

"Hello, Mr. Bridgens," The teacher greeted, glancing at Harry, who had a blank expression on his face and just looked at the ground, no books in his hands.

Principal Bridgens greeted her before clearing his throat and said,"Hello, sorry to interrupt but this is Harry Styles. He's a new student and many of you may know him, make him feel welcomed. Have a nice day."

Right when the principal left, people began whispering like usual and Louis overheard a few saying how creepy Harry looks and that a psycho shouldn't be put back in school. He nearly scoffed, but chose not to and his eyes met Harry's again.

Neither turned away when the teacher said,"Alright, Harry is it? You can take a seat wherever you choose and then answer the question on the board. Do you need some paper?"

He shook his head, causing her to frown since he didn't bring anything. However, she just nodded and he made his way to the back, but suddenly stumbled over the leg of a desk and fell, class filling with laughter.

"Did you have a nice fall, freak?" A guy laughed, but face paled when Harry glared at him with dark eyes and the class quickly stopped laughing.

Louis felt didn't feel at all intimidated over the harsh expression on Harry's face. The teacher shushed everyone and Harry brushed off his jeans, quietly making his way to his desk, not at all embarrassed for falling. Or at least, he didn't look it. His face held the same boring, uninterested expression.

Louis went back to writing his answer for the question on the bored and it wasn't long till the teacher asked,"Alright, who wants to volunteer to read their answer?"

Of course no one raised their hand, but suddenly she looked in the back to see Harry mindlessly picking at his nails and said,"Harry, why don't you go ahead and tell us your thoughts on happy endings in real life."

Everyone turned their attention to him and he raised an eyebrow, but sighed and stood up. Louis put his full attention on the boy, interested in his answer considering he knows nothing about him.

Harry didn't waste a second when saying,"Happy endings only exist in the movies and books, everyone dies and people get bored of their partners. No one gets a princess or a prince charming, they get themselves and that's it. Life's not a fairytale."

Murmurs were heard and the teacher nodded slowly,"Anyone wanna object to that?"

Louis immediately raised his hand, saying,"I'd like to point out that if you want a happy ending, you can make it your own. You have to work for what you want and in the end, if you tried hard enough, you'll have your fairytale ending."

Harry didn't reply, not even looking at Louis and just sat back down. Mrs. Haynes chuckled,"Well, it seems we have two opposite answers. Pass up your papers after putting your name on it, I'd like to see everyone else's opinions."

Louis did as he was told, turning to get the other papers and kept a nice gaze on Harry. He couldn't read him well. It's like he had a shield up and all he could tell about the guy is that he doesn't believe in happy endings and that his eyes held pain and loneliness. 

Maybe he didn't believe in love, Louis thought before turning his attention to the front of the class.


Lunch came quickly and Louis only had two classes with Harry. He was kind of happy about that. Since moving, Harry seems to be the most interesting thing about where he lives and he was a mystery Louis wanted to solve.When getting his lunch, he searched for Zayn and Liam. 

They sat where they always do and Louis made his way over, taking a seat across and his two friends looked up, Liam asking,"How's life going?"

"Um, good?" Louis chuckled in confusion, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

Zayn sighed,"Has Harry tried hurting you?"

"Of course not, I told you he didn't threaten me," He huffed, glaring at them for assuming the worst like most people. A few gasps were heard, causing the boys to turn and see Harry walking into the cafeteria. But, much to Louis' surprise, he wasn't alone and the blonde, Irish kid from yesterday was walking with him.

Eyes followed the pair to a table where the Irish lad sat before. He was chatting with Harry like it was the most normal thing ever and Louis was very surprise to see Harry talking back, he seemed quiet, but he also seemed like he'd be a chatty guy if he liked a conversation topic.

"Who's the blonde guy?" Louis found himself asking, eyes still on the table where Harry was nodding at something.

Liam quickly told him,"He's the psycho's freaky friend I think. I heard they were friends before the murder. His name's Niall."

"He's not a freak," Zayn retorted, glaring at Liam. "He's nice, everyone just stays away from him because of Harry."

Louis noticed Zayn's gaze on Niall and Liam scoffed, but didn't say anything else. They all ate quietly, each in their own worlds. However, Louis' world was corrupted by the school's psycho; Harry Styles.

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