Chapter 6

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Sasha is a beautiful dog, so well behaved and trained from Louis' dad right when she was just a pup. She is 3 years old, has dark grey, black and white fur with bright blue eyes. They resembled Louis', only a bit lighter while his are more of a nice, ocean-like color. 

 He was never much of a dog person, actually he didn't favor animals too much to where he would like having one. They take a lot of work and are like children, needing to be fed and cared for. He hates being responsible for another person or animal's life, because it would be his fault if they failed in life or died. 

 However, his dad wanted the dog because it was nice company. He was always alone, so Sasha was there for him in the past 3 years while Louis wasn't. It wasn't Louis' fault though, because he lived with his mum and she had custody over him. 

 Now he wanted to make up for it, so while he father rested in the living room, Louis decided to take Sasha for a walk and so he did. She was a very big dog, fur making her look larger and her height added to her fearful appearance. 

To Louis, though, she was very sweet and he didn't fear her at all. Because he feared nothing in life. He did not have to fear for the only fear that exists is which people create in or allow in their own minds. In reality there is no point in being fearful. It is better to be free to experience what you will. He loved to look at things to where you figure them out, like a mystery to unravel and so when people are scared of something, he wonders why and becomes more in depth with the situation and topic, like ghosts, afterlife, and many other topics people are afraid of. 

 And when Louis walked down the street at night, most people would be worried about getting kidnapped, beat up and even raped. But not Louis. He just had his headphones in, gripping the leash that connected to Sasha's purple, sparkly collar and hummed to the sound of the 1975 while he had a light jump in his step. 

 As he entered the park, he unclipped the leash and allowed Sasha to run free a bit, knowing she would never go too far. He glanced around, observing the old playground that contained a set of swings and plastic slide, which use to excite him but now seems risky to even touch. Suddenly something caught his eyes. 

Not something, but someone. 

A familiar head of curls were seen not far away, green coat covering the lanky body, usual black, skinny jeans practically glued to those long legs and yes, that was definitely Harry. A smirk formed on Louis' face and he practically skipped over to the tall lad, noticing that Harry was unaware of his presence and he tapped the lad's shoulder, grinning when Harry glanced at him, eyes holding their usual cold appearance, yet the same pain was hidden beneath his facade. 

 "Hello Harold," Louis greeted casually, seeing he had a cigarette in his hand and was not very happy the boy smoked. However, he ignored it because it's his life choice, not Louis'. 

 Harry simply said,"It's Harry." 

 "No, Harry is a shorter version of Harold," Louis retorted, crossing his arms and was pleased that Harry didn't force him away like usual. 

Maybe it's cause they're not in school, or generally not around anyone considering it's 10PM, but he couldn't care less since he's talking to the mysterious boy. 

 Harry huffed, taking a puff of the cigarette he had, "No, I'm a hundred percent positive my birth certificate says Harry." 

 "Oh well, I'm calling you Harold," The shorter boy announced, following when Harry tossed the fag on the ground, not bothering to make sure it was unlit. Louis stomped on it, seeing the small light going away and walked backwards to face the guy. "So, what brings you out at 10 o'clock? Got yourself a hot date? Do murderers even date ? Is it normal, like dinner and a movie? Do they dash and die? Get it? I'm funny." 

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