01 - New life

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"We're moving out." Those three words that instantly froze me.

We were finally running away from the war.

"Come on, pack your bags everyone. We'll be going in the early morning." Though I knew it was going to happen, it was still shocking. All my friends? Gone. My life? Gone. My memories? Distant.

I'll have to build everything again.

My name is Y/F/N (your full name) and I'm 17. I live in Y/T (your town), but apparently not anymore. Now I am a korean citizen.

Luckily, I do speak korean. Since my cousin was so obsessed with this boy band, she made me learn korean.

My family was running around. Trying to pack as much as they could. Since I was deep in thoughts, frozen in place, my father approached me.

"You should go pack too." He said as he patted my back, snapping me out of my trance. I nodded and started parting ways towards my room. My memory sanctuary.

I started packing "only the necessary", I quote. I tried to fit in the small bad as many clothes as I could. But I still had to leave a few clothes behind, never to be seen again. I'm not too sad, most of my friends had already moved. So I didn't have much for me left here.

After a depressing and silent dinner, except for my 8 year old sister's slurping noises. We all went to sleep.

My dream was really weird, I dreamt about. Blonde cat, it's eyes were a golden brown, and it's fur seemed to shine in the dark. It was beautiful to say the least. But they way it stared at me shaked my nerves.

The dream somehow became a nightmare and I woke up with a jump. It's eyes still lingered in my mind, reminding me of the little creature.

I tried to go back to sleep, but every time I closed my eyes I felt as if someone was staring right at me, keeping me awake.

It was still dark outside so I went into the living room, only to be met with my dad, reading a book.

He noticed my presence and turned to me. Motioning me to sit down. He was reading this old looking book, 'The Fur Country' by Jules Verne.

"Couldn't you sleep?" He asked.
"I could, but I woke up." I was keeping my sight down at the coffee table, which somehow seemed more interesting now than ever.
"Then, help me make breakfast. We're leaving in an our, so I'll go wake them up meanwhile." He was starting to get up from the couch so I headed to the kitchen.

Not many ingredients were left in the fridge. Most snacks we had packed away, and the rest had already been eaten. There was only bread and cheese.

After breakfast we headed to the train station I saw my last friend there, waiting for me. When F/N (friend name) saw me, they came to me. Pulling me into a high embrace.

"Talk to me whenever you can!"
"How? Will you not move?" It meant I was supposed to send cards and letters. But where would I send them?
"No." They gave me a sad smile.
"Then I'll make sure to keep you updated."

"We must move now, give your goodbyes." My mother cut in.

"I'm sorry for leaving you, but I have to go now." They gave me a small nod, still smiling.
"It's okay, goodbye!" They slightly pushed me, motioning me towards my family. I sighed and went towards them.

I was in the train, looking out the windows. As the train reached it's maximum speed I could see the trees passing by very quickly, not even letting me see their details.

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