16 - Playpen (Seokjin)

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You woke up and were in some kind of playpen, the walls were extremely short so you could easily climb over them. Your hair was wet and messy, as for your clothes they were dirty but luckily not that wet.

You headed towards the walls, staring at the nails that had been damaged on your last attempt of escaping. 'Wait. Why did I try to escape again?' You thought. You couldn't remember what had happened just mere moments ago, nor how you got there or who took you.

You tried to climb the walls, you only had to raise your leg and you'd basically crossed over it. It was almost like a puppy playpen or a baby playpen, but it seemed huge. To your dismay, you could only lift your leg a few inches.

That's when you noticed the chains attatched to your ankle, restraining your movements but made no noise. You tried looking for another way to get out, but the only one was to climb out, and you couldn't.

You were getting frustrated 'Why the hell am I in a fucking baby playpen?' Those thoughts crossed your mind continually. You were disregarding the most important question though, "Where were you?" or "Who took you?"

Inside the big cage it all looked pretty, and it was almost like a small forest. But, outside those walls it was just completely black, so black you wondered if there was even a floor. It was a never ending hollow. It made you want to stay in the little forest, but you couldn't just stay traped.

You decided on trying to find the head of the chain. Grabbing the chain and pulling on it, it snaked into a straight line. Pulling on it a bit more it lifted off of the ground and you started rolling up the chain that little by little was getting looser and looser.

You reached what seemed like the middle of the little forest, tugging at the chain to see where it came from. Through the leaves on the ground, you didn't see where the chain was attatched to the ground, so you started walking trying to find it. You stepped on what felt like a pointy stick, yelping as it went through your skin and started bleeding.

You looked down trying to see what you should be cursing at, but to your relief it wad the head of the chain. You had founded it! You started strongly pulling on it, trying your best to set yourself free, but it just wouldn't cooperate.

"You won't break it nor make it." Someone behind you said. You turned around and 'oh, it's just Jin.' You turned around and tried to set yourself free again, until your thoughts sunk in. 'Wait, what is he doing here?' You immediatly stopped tugging, turning around slowly and confirming that it was really Jin.

But you were more confused at the set of ears on his head and the fluffy tail on his back. It kind of resembled a fox.

"Jin? Where the fuck am I?" You asked, letting go of the chain. "I thought Hoseok already told you..." He huffed out. 'Hoseok...?' Suddenly, your mind started flooding in with memories. Hoseok drowning you, Hoseok trying to choke you, you calling Hoseok a monster... Your eyes widened, and Jin could see that you had finally remembered.

"I guess he did tell you." He smiled sweetly at you, then stepped closer and closer. Out of instinct, you started running away, avoiding the trees that wouldn't stop popping out of nowhere.

"Hey! Come back!" But you ignored him. "Yah! You! Stop running!" He said as he started chasing you, as if you're actually going to listen to him and let him catch you.

You ran for a few minutes, avoiding the trees in a zic zac motion so you'd loose him too. You were still running when you suddenly felt a harsh and strong tug at your ankle, so strong it made you fall onto the floor. You looked down and saw that the chain had run out from tangling it so much between the trees.

The tug had been so harsh you had felt your skin rip open from the sudden movement. Watching as the blood tricked down to your feet, you tried hard not to yelp, that would surely give out your location, and as much as it hurt, you couldn't just give up.

You tugged at the chain, making sure that it had actually ran out, but to your dismay, it could easily be pulled. 'What the fuck?' You thought. But of nowhere, you felt a presence behind you.

"Oh! I'm sorry. Did I pull too hard?" You felt yourself being picked up from the ground, but that wasn't important right now. 'How the fuck could he pull so strongly? He's just a man! Well animal-man, but still there's no way he can be so strong!' You looked up at him weirded and creeped out. Was he supernatural now too?

'Did I pull too hard?' He could still pull even harder? What the fuck are they? And is everyone else as strong as him? What if they're even stronger than this fox/human? You couldn't stop thinking about it.

That too is when you relaized that you were being hold in his arms, bridal style. You tried to push his arms off from around your body, ending up in no result. So you started slapping his chest instead. "Hey let me down! " You told him. "But you're hurt, silly Little one." He pouted. 'Why the fuck is he acting so childishly? It's weird.' You thought.

"I can walk." You growled at him. You were getting tired of struggling in vain. No matter how hard you pushed he wouldn't move an inch. "Fucking Wall." You cursed out, to which he decided to ignore.

Jin p.o.v
I get that she's confused and angry, but this is the last time I'm letting her curse. Who does she think she is? Little one is having too many tongue slips, can't wait to tame her. What Will they think of her if they hear her talking so many profanities? Yoongi Will probably like it at first, but then he'll hate it just like the others.

She can't just run her mouth like that and expect no consequences, just because we've been allowing it for the time being. We've Heard all that's come out of that pretty Little mouth of hers, even when she was with that good-for-nothing nurse and the patient, we should've made sure he was dead in the first place. (Chanyeol, I'm sorry and I love you.)

(The cat just randomly came into my room, checked what I was doing and left. Ok wow.)

We all had to pay the consequences of out errors, having to see her with other men that weren't us, while we tried to get close to her but were rejected. It hurt, it hurt like a bitch. It was like nothing we've ever felt. Sure, they've hurt us plenty of times, but it would just go away after a while, with her, it hurt all the time we saw her but couldn't come close.

She hurt us so bad...

But we don't hate her, how could we? She can keep hurting us as much as she likes, we can still go on for a bit, and eventually we Will break and then we'll be able to have her. We just need to stop caring about her, instead we have to start caring for each other. It's the only way we can have her :)!

A/N: I know the end sucks, but my mind is getting flooded by some stuff and I can't concentrate, also, 'kill this love' is stuck in my head and I can't fucking get it out. And thank you for this.

 And thank you for this

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