21 - Breathe

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A/N: This was not supposed to come out this early but I have decided that I'll only be making one more chapter atfer this. I can say that there Will be varios versions of the same chapter, a good ending in which they get what they want, you. Or a bad ending in which no one gets what they want. PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU WANT QUICKLY SO I CAN UPLOAD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Or both if you're greedy.

Your p.o.v
They had told you to calm down, to just breathe, but how could you when they were suffocating you? It had been a bit over a week since you had a panic attack and tried to strangle one of them, your back was still sore from the accident. But it's not like you could say that you regretted doing it. The only thing you regret if so is not adding enough pressure.

They had been a bit more cautious with you, and their eyes made you feel little pangs of guilt. You could see their pure hurt reflected in their eyes, and the sadness that you brought them. But it was never enough, and not once did you feel guilty. They looked like vulnerable people, but you knew that behind that facade the best resided, and was raging to come out.

You were almost completely emotionless on the inside, you didn't even feel like this was real, that they were real and that this situation was actually happening, but the fading bruises and the soreness confirmed that this was in fact truly happening. The bruises from Taehyung's nails plus the bruises they had made when they were 'punishing' you, which could honestly be called abusing.

They had hit you over and over, completely taken over by rage, and when they finally realized what they were doing, they all stopped and embraced your aching body, which only made it hurt more. You were too weak at that time as to push them off, first from your back and then from their beatings, so you just let them touch you, but you defenitely felt disgusted after. The animals inside of them had already tasted the sweet feeling of overpowering someone, and they enjoyed, waiting for the right moment to get more.

You just stood there on the living room's couch motionless, your mind screaming at you to snap out of whatever trance you were traped in. To start replying again, you no longer needed to be like a doll, you were out of that room. You were trying to get yourself to do something, to speak, to move, anything. But it had been a long while since you fully functioned.

You were screaming at yourself internally, trying to move your body. Your thoughts were getting so vicious and spiteful that it made you whimper. You were shocked at yourself, you had finally managed to react. They were all next to you, wondering why you had whimpered out of nowhere. You tried mustering the courage to stand up and walk away, but that was too hard.

(I had like 12 hours of sleep yesterday and I still feel like I need a 5 hour nap. This is why we can't have nice things)

Suddenly, something came into your mind. If they think you are unable to moe or even react they'll have their defences down, then, you'll just have to make sure they remain somewhere they can't reach you until you're out of the building. You just have to figure out where to lock them so that they can't get to you on time.Or maybe...  Maybe you could fuck around with the elevator's control room, they won't be able to stop it them selves that way.

Deciding on your plan, you started perfectioning it. You'll let them do whatever they want with you, as if you're not able to stop them, then you'll stop them when they least expect it. The key would just have to be like the other time sneak up and get it, just this time it's have to be with someone who really seems like they're dead when they're asleep. Jungkook? Yeah he's the one who's the heaviest sleeper, then there's Yoongi who simply sleeps a lot.

You had come up with a plan to sneakily get a key, enter the other's room, tie them up or somehow inmobilize them, then go to the control room and screw up with every kind of electronic. It would all have to be silently, it was extremely tricky, one wrong movement or too loud and you were fucked. So you realized you'd have to do something so they'd be sleepy.

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