Chapter 21 Pt.2

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I don't know if i like this chapter but if you guys like it let me know.

*Jay POV*
3 hours later

I woke up because my phone started goin off and ian want it ta wake Anna up. I answered da phone and Trigga loud mouth ass was yellin in ma damn ear.

"The fuck you want nigga?" I said

"You tryna go to dis party?" Trigga said

"Who's?" I said

"Lil" Trigga said

"Lil as in Khalil?" i said

"Ya" He said

"When his ass got back?" I said

"Shidd ion know nigga" he said

"Ya lemme wake Anna ass up" i said

"Good luck" he said

"Preciate it but aye i gotta tell you and King sum lata" i said

"Ight" he said

"Ight" i hung up the phone and got out the bed. I shoom Anna to try and wake her up but she ain't move all she did was mumble sum.

I shook her again and then she turned the other way. "Move Jay damn" she said.

"Girl wake yo ass up" i said

"No im tired" she said

"And im hungry. Na wake up" i said

"Hell nawl goodnight" she said

I walked out the room and to Elle room. "Knock knock" i said going inside.

"Hey big bro" she said

"Hey. You know how to wake Anna ass up?" I said

She just sat there and laughed at me then started talkin. "Betta go get a pot and a spoon" she said. I shook my head "Wish me luck then" i said

I walked downstaira and got a pot and a wooden spoon. I walked upstairs and into out room and started banging the spoon into the pot.

Anna jumped up out the bed and looked around until she saw me. "The fuck is wrong with you nigga?!" she yelled. "I told you to wake up" i said gettong ready to walk out the room.

"Fuck you bitch" she said going into the bathroom. I swear she always get an attitude when i wake her up. Pregnant or not ima still hear that.

I put the pans up then went into the room and got some clothes. I walked to the guest bathroom and took a shower. When i got out i did my hygiene shit then got dressed.

  When i got back in the room Anna was just getting out the shower

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When i got back in the room Anna was just getting out the shower. She looked up at me and started talkin. "Where we goin?" She asked. "Ta one of my niggas party sat he throwin"

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