Chapter Seven

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Alberta.  That's where they put me.  Of all the places in Canada they could have chosen they chose Alberta.  Don't get my wrong, parts of Alberta has its beauty, the rocky mountains are known around the world, and that beautiful teal blue lake you see in all the pictures, it's here.  But where I am, you wouldn't even know what a mountain is.  I've been here for two months and this is the worst winter I have ever encountered.  I now completely understand when they say us west coasters don't know that real winter is.   On the plus side, this is the biggest I've ever seen the sky, I feel like it goes on forever.  

They have me set up in a cozy one bedroom apartment in a small city just outside of Calgary.  Close enough to a metropolis if needed, but enough off the beat and path that if anything or anyone suspicious comes into town people will notice. I found a job as a waitress at a Denny's like restaurant and it's not as bad as I thought it would be.  They told me I couldn't do anything in the health care industry because they figured that's how they found me. The killer must have clued together that Paul was receiving community services and went from there.  As I head into work I see Allison jogging from across the lot to me. "Hey girl, didn't know you had the early shift today." She says excitedly.  Well as much as you can be when working here. 
"Yeah, I picked up a couple extra shifts, I like to keep myself busy." I shrug. 
"Nah, you just like working with me." She says ask she bumps my side just as we are about to walk in the door.
"You caught me," I say dramatically, "I can't stand being apart from you and this is the only way I know how to get close to you." We laugh and head into the back to clock in and get the scoop on how the night shift went. 
"Heyya fellas, any crazy truckers last night?" Allison shouts across the kitchen over to the other servers. They all roll their eyes, "Ali, you know how dead it is in here, I wish something exciting would happen in this sleepy town." Jeremy says.  I think to myself, no you really don't want that. 
"Mary would you come here a minute." my boss says as I step into his small office off the kitchen.  Mary Giffin is my new name while I am in witness protection. 
"What's up boss."
"I see you picked up some extra shifts, that is going to put you into overtime and we can't afford to be paying that. Is there anyway you give up a shift. You'd have three days in a row off and you'd be helping me out a lot." Gary is a hard worker, I've seen that over the last few weeks.  He keeps this place up and running by basically living here and I honestly don't know how it stays afloat. I also wonder why he keeps it open all night if no one comes in. He says, he's talked to some guys that are on the road sometimes for close to ten hours and this is the only real restaurant that will accommodate big trucks, the next one is another two hours away. So I stay open for them. 
"Yes, of course, I was just trying to help cover some shifts." I say as nicely as I can, I don't want him to feel bad, I can see he already is, but I don't need the money.  I am a good saver, and I get an allowance from WITSEC. 

My shift is going by slowly, the restaurant isn't as busy as it normally is and I think I've cleaned the same clean table four time already. 
"Why is it so slow today?"
"In service day at school, there's no one out and about today, probably all on their snow mobiles or they went to find a mountain for the three day weekend." Allison says. Great, I am kind of wishing I didn't pick up this shift and could be curled up on the couch watching Netflix right now.
"Mary, people heading in, can you grab them, I am going to move some stuff around in the stockroom to get ready for the order tomorrow."
"Yeah no problem." I notice it's three guys, and they are looking like they might be a little drunk. Its almost three in the afternoon, I wound't put it past them for having a couple drinks while they were sledding.  Do I agree being buzzed while operating a big fast piece of equipment that could kill you. No. But do I see it happen. Yes.  
They sit down and when I come and stand by the table I can smell the alcohol coming off one of them. Okay, so many more than a little drunk.
"Hey, I'm Mary and I'll be your server today.  Can I get you started off with some waters while you look at the menu." I say this hoping they will have at least a glass of water before they start drinking again. 
"Water, hell no.  Bring us a pitcher of whatever is cheapest on tap." One of them says.  And he spits chew into the water bottle he is carrying. Gross, I almost gag when I see it.  If they were cute, this might be a little easier to deal with, but they are pretty rough looking and the looks they are giving me are giving me the creeps.  But I do what they ask and bring back the pitcher.
"Have you had a change to look at the menu?" 
"Yeah, I'll have the bacon cheeseburger with the fries and I want some gravy too." One of them says, he seems like the most sober one and he gives me a look of almost sorry for the other two, but not really. 
"I'll have the same, no tomato, and make sure there is no tomato, last time I came here they put it on and I cant stand them.  And don't put it on and they just pick it off, I can tell when it's been on my burger." The guy with the chew says, quite rudely I might add.  
"Okay, I'll make sure I tell the cook myself to be extra careful when preparing your order."
"You don't have to do that, just have it done right, christ." He huffs.  I make a mental note that nothing I do for this guy will please him.  I almost want to put a tomato on his burger just to see how he'll explode. Give Jeremy the excitement he is looking for, except he went home. 
"Okay, and for you?" I ask the last guy who has been quiet this whole time. 
"I'll have a plate of nachos, no olives and a side of you for dessert." He says with a cocky smile and I sort of take a step back.  What did he just say to me? I am so not in the mood for this today. 
"Okay, nachos no olives. Got it." I turn around to leave and one of the guys on the end of the booth slaps my ass.  No. Freaking. Way.  In a split second I make my hand a blade, and as I turn around I hit his arm as hard as I can, he grunts in some pain, bring his arm back to his chest and is rubbing it with his other hand. I take a step forward towards the table, "touch me again and you're gone." and I turn around without giving them a second to argue with me.  
Allison saw my little stunt and starts applauding as I head back and put the order in, "well, well, looks like we have a little fighter on our crew today." she laughs and gives me a tap on the bum. 
I look at her sideways and she puts her arms up ready for a fight and I just laugh.
"Ha, ha, very funny Al." 
I didn't give them anything more to drink and I got the cook to run the order out to the table, I couldn't be bothered to deal with them again. He didn't mind seeing as they were the only people in the restaurant. 
"Hey Mary, I know you have a couple hours left but just go home. I'll finish up here, and you've basically done all the cleaning anyway."
"Don't have to ask me twice, I'll see you when I see you."
"Sounds good girl, drive safe." she says and she blows kisses my way.  I have really come to like her, I hope they don't have to move me again.

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