Chapter 3: The Funeral

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The sky was filled with dread, the world had become a little bit darker as a life faded from this world and passed onto the next

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The sky was filled with dread, the world had become a little bit darker as a life faded from this world and passed onto the next. Toby, a young soul beaten to death by a shovel and thrown around the room, was now being laid to rest. He will be missed along the people of Denoë, all his friends and family came to his funeral.

There were large pillars down the aisle, made of a beautiful marble stone with a red carpet down the middle. The coffin was at the front of the entire ceremony, as it was hosted in Denoë gardens, the castle standing to the left of the entrance through the archway which was built in the wall. The trees branched over as they gently brushed in the breeze. A few leaves floated down onto the pathway as soft music played when the guests arrived, all sitting down in the wooden chairs. Olivia, Tori and the entirety of the Denoë community turned up and any friends or family Toby had from other communities of the vast world.

Raven, shimmered up a tree like a snake, watching over the entire scene. She still didn't realise she was still in disguise. Part of her didn't care, as her true form is something she would never reveal, she would usually appear as a fair skinned woman with white hair, because she hated to change, the pain which she felt every time she morphed could be unbearable. She hunched on a branch, sitting there like a frog as the service began.

Even Shad, the man Nathan spoke too was there, alongside Geo who sat beside him

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Even Shad, the man Nathan spoke too was there, alongside Geo who sat beside him. He bellowed out some smoke from his cigarette as Tori and Olivia wept at the front of the service. Meanwhile, a young woman named Tara kept staring at the large tables with food on it, mainly because of the strawberries, she adored them.

As the service started, people went up, gave their speeches, some even cried some just laughed uncontrollably. One guest who wasn't invited was Nathan, the detective, he had just arrived at the scene and stood in the archway and lent on the wall, crossing his arms as he gazed at the scene.

"Raven!" A voice called from behind. Raven stumbled and shook as she tried to latch onto the branch, she fell, but managed to grab onto the branch before she fell into the pit of death that was a thorn bush. "Em!" Raven groaned as she pulled herself up onto the branch. Nathan meanwhile, caught sight of something rustling in the nearby tree, yet he couldn't see what it was.

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