No Cap, This Is Not Your Happy End

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Placed ever civil war, bucky went into cryo and Steve didn't go to Wakanda with the Rogues.

I know this is not a real Parker one shot but I made sure that our little spider was still heavily mentioned and that spiderson and irondad were still in the story.

Not team Cap friendly, don't like? Skip till the end note.


Steve saw the others in the prison, he couldn't believe how bad they were treated. Poor Wanda had bonds around her wrists, conceiling her powers, making them off-limits. Natasha looked beaten but still strong and Sam, Clint and Scott looked defeated.
"Steve?" Natasha asked.
"What happened?" He answered shocked.
"You don't want to know. Why didn't Stark come to help us?" Clint asked.
"In Siberia, he said..." Steve hesitated.
Scott scoffed. "Typically, never trust a Stark" Steve looked like he wanted to say something but everyone just kept shaming Tony, talking bad about him and cursing him. Wanda promised the others she would kill him. Only Natasha kept quiet.

"What happened in Siberia Steve? Why didn't he help?" Her voice was steel and her face didn't give away any emotions. Steve stammered something about a fight and protecting Bucky and the others were going of again.
"Get us out of here first," Scott said, "then we'll see."

After Steve had freed the Rogues they went on missions all around Europe, doing what they believed was right. They blew up multiple buildings and planned on taking down Stark.
After a mission in Switzerland which consisted of taking down a weapon base, exploding it as some would say, they got caught by shield. The last thing Natasha saw before she as well succombed to the darkness was the face of some blond haired girl and besides her, Nick Fury.

When they woke again, they were in a grey chamber with a few beds and some sanitair. Everywhere were camera's. When everybody was awake, some black glass wall brightened and they could see who was behind it. Wanda almost screamed and threw herself at the glass before Steve caught her.
"Stark. Get us out of here." Steve ordered in his captain voice.

"No can do, You're not my property. This is Shields new headquarters as you probably have guessed."

"What the hell Stark, I knew you were a rotten and selfish man, but leaving you're teammates die in those cellars, that's a new all time low. We were your..." Steve shouted. The others saw Stark breath through his nose as he pinched it.

"If you're gonna say Friends, I'm going to stop you there. Friends don't hide secrets about the other friends parent's death, they don't try to kill each other and they don't..." Tony just started but Sam interrupted.

"Tried to kill? What are you even talking about?" They saw Tony go from annoyed to shocked to angry to laughing. The others looked at each other shocked.

"Captain Righteousness he calls himself." Tony laughed a little longer before calming himself.
"He didn't tell you about Siberia did he?" He asked. Steve winced while the others glared at Tony.

"He told us enough, that you tried to murder Bucky!" Clint answered cold.

"That I tried to... Do you guys even know me?" These were Tony's last words before someone out of sight told him to start protocol Black out. Team Cap saw Tony objecting while the glass became one way again.

All the Rogues started screaming at the same time.

" You can't be serious? "

" You're going to keep us here like anymals?"

"What the Hell Stark?"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Before they could continue, a video started playing on the black glass wall. It started with Tony en Spiderman sitting on the edge of a roof, looking over New York.

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