Everyone Loves These

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Bad Rogues, you are warned
So much happens in this one, I might have gone overboard... Oops

Peter was hurrying through the halls, evading people left an right. He had a few papers in his hands and a tablet was attached to his left arm. The tablet was one of his own inventions made with the help of the Tony Stark. He could project anything in hologram format in front of him and make adjustments to the hologram but he could also work on his tablet if a project couldn't be seen by others because he had to keep it quiet. (Aka Spidersuit updates)

"Sir! Mister Riviendue!" He shouted after one of the leading inventors of Stark Industries. The man, in his early fifties turned around with a frown. The frown immediately eased as he saw Peter running towards him.

"If it isn't Stark the second," Peter made a protesting noise. "Why are you running after me?"

"Miss Big Boss wanted me to deliver these papers to you. You need to read them, correct them to our best interests and then sign them for the meeting later this afternoon." The old man took the papers from Peter and quickly looked through them.

"Thank her for me will you." The man ruffled Peter's hair before calmly continuing the walk to his office.

"Underoos!" Tony's voice sounded through Friday's speakers. Peter sighed and turned around. He quickly made his way to Tony's lab. He always loved going there, the lab always contained more and more futuristic looking tech, definetly since he and Rocket started sending each other stuff, and it was one of the only places Peter could completely be himself without being judged, or discovered or anything else. The boss man himself stood in front of a small metal orb. The orb was floating in the air and Tony was apparently trying to study it.

"There you are, I know that I've let you skip school this week but that was only so you could work for me."

"You're not the only who asked me to help, you do know that right? But, I suppose you didn't really ask, you tend to demand it." Peter smirked.

Tony dramatically gasped and put his hand over the arc reactor. Never say he's not dramatic.
"Auch there go my feelings Parker."

"Complain to Pepper if you want to hog me for yourself."

"Now that you mention it... Keep going Underoos, you're doing a great job." Peter laughed at Tony.

"Why did you want me here?" Peter put on his enhanced glasses and scanned the orb, occasionally writing something down on his tablet.

"My lab is used for a tour group who won a very special price in the lottery last week. They're arriving in 20 minutes and since we don't want to get the 'news' out to the media, it's better that you stay in the lower levels or in the cafetaria while they're here." Tony had a screen appear and was drawing a scetch of the orb.

" Sure boss man, I'll stay... YES!" The sudden shout almost made Tony bump his head against the wall. Peter was excitedly writing something down. He held up the wait a minute sign while he was calculating something in his head. He wrote a couple more equations down, solved them just as fast and then abruptly jumped over the desk and talking a metal pin needle made out of starkium. He cautiously walked towards the orb and held it in to place. He turned it around a few times and then inserted the needle in a certain pressure point. The orb shuddered for a second before expanding. Soon they had a floor plan of a building of sorts.

"Great job kid." Tony said proudly before opening the hidden compartment and getting several more plans out of his desk. Together they formed an entire building. And a description of where to find it.

"You knew what to do already!" Peter shouted disbelievingly.

"Yes, I did know, but I can't have someone who's smarter then me my intern right? What would I teach him otherwise? But still, you're dangerously close." Peter beamed proudly before studying the combined metal structure.

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