Big Brother Little Sister

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I know I got a lot of requests for Neverland 2 and Fake Spiderman 2 and I'm working on them, but this idea just sprung in my mind and I'm..... I HAD TO WRITE IT.


Pepper stared at her child, her baby, her world. The young girl was having a restless dream. Both hadn't had a night of peaceful sleep since it happened. Since part of her perfect world died.

Pepper ran her hand through Morgan's hair. Morgan slowly calmed down, turned around and fell back asleep. Pepper stared for a little longer until she sighed and stood up. She made her way to the living room. They had to move to the tower next week, because the business needed her. Poor Morgan would be trusted in the busy world, where everyone knew her dad.

She looked through Tony's stuff. Throwing away the thousands of letters with condolences. She hated the letters, they made it... Tony's death, they made it so much worse. Then she stumbled on a brown envelope, picked it up and grew confused at it's weight.
She took a small knife from the table and opened the envelope.
Inside was a tablet. Confused Pepper stared at if for a while before she turned it on.

A blue light shone into the room a'd into view came her beloved. She almost dropped the tablet catching herself in the middle of a sob. The message started playing.

"Hi there kid, I made this for you for if I died. Pepper and I were thinking, well most of our thoughts were on the vanished.." Tony halted himself putting his face in his hands, "but I started talking about you Peter, because you, you were a saving angel in my life Peter. I swore to myself, don't get attached to the kid. Guess what, I did get attached. And that's not a bad thing. I mentioned to Pepper that Morgan would love you. Oh yeah, You don't know it yet. I'm a father now, pretty insane, I know it." Tony breathed for a moment, he looked so happy at the thought of his daughter.

"Kid, I really want you to meet her, to become a brother to her, she needs good influences in her life and you kid are the best person I know." A few tears streamed down Peppers face as she stared at her husband. The message wasn't for her but she couldn't stop watching.

"And you're a genius kid. The smartest person I know, hell you better work for me in a few years or I'm going to buy the company you're working with. Hell, what am I saying. I'll make you heir of my company. I'll write the papers immediately, cause kid. You deserve it. I really want to tell you this in person, but if you see this, it couldn't be. I'm sorry Peter, I'm sorry I couldn't survive. Take care of Peps and Morgan for me. Love you kid. You're like a son to me."

The message stopped. Pepper stared at it for a little while longer. Peter hadn't met Morgan yet, Pepper had been to afraid of going and seeing someone who was so important to her husband. She decided now that she was wrong. She had to bring Peter here now. Morgan needed someone, and if Pepper was being honest, maybe she could grow better too.


Peter sat in the back of the limo. It was raining like hell outside and the droplets were bouncing of the roof and the windows. He sighed.
Peter had not been able to sleep since he saw Tony die. He felt empty, didn't know what to do.

It was amazing seeing May, it really was, but he could feel the empty place soemwhere in his beding, he could feel someone was missing.

It had been a surprise when Happy suddenly stood in front of the door, he hadn't seen Happy since the funeral.
But when Happy said that Pepper wanted to speak with him. Peter almost closed the door.

He couldn't help but feel like he failed her. But some convincing of May made him step into the limo, where he was now. Happy drove in silence.

"How are you holding up kid?" Peter stared at the window for a little longer before turning to Happy.

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