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"Felix?" Marinette looked to Felix as they sat on opposite sides of Adrien's hospital bed, "What happened to your Ladybug?" Felix tensed up.

"It's hard to explain Marinette"

"I need to know"



Felix gripped at the sheets, and sighed, "I killed her."

"Y-You what..." Marinette looked at him with fear.

"I blame myself for letting my emotions get the best of me. She rejected my love in our hero form and I grew tired of it." Felix looked down, "I don't remember much being Chat Blanc but he forced me to listen and watch as she laid in my arms dying. I couldn't control myself. He took over everything. I had no strength to fight it." He sniffled.

"Felix..." Felix turned to Marinette as she turned her body to look into his eyes. "Wait. How did you not know that Adrien is Chat Noir too? I mean Chat Blanc did so..."

"I honestly don't know. Chat Blanc sort of has a mind of his own I guess." Felix sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "I don't know everything about this curse but I do know it's an awful one." Felix cleared his throat then smiled at Marinette. "But don't worry. I came to Paris to help you and Adrien" Marinette couldn't help but blush at his smile. It reminded her of the one she missed dearly. Felix looked into her eyes and studied her features as he caressed her face with one of his hands. 

"F-Felix?" Marinette was mesmerized by his green eyes.

"Marinette. These last few months have been so much better with you around. You have a really attracting aura." Marinette put a hand on his and melted into his touch. "Just something about you... pulls me in" Marinette leaned in closer to his face as his eyes looked to her lips. Wait...I'm I allowed to like two guys at once? Brothers no less. The gap between them closed as their lips touched for a soft, and tender kiss. After a few seconds, Felix pulled away and soon realized what he just did. He took his hand off her cheek and blushed. "I-I'm so sorry Marinette. I don't know what came over me." Marinette smiled and shook her head. 

"It's okay really." She blushed and bit her lip, "I-It was nice" Felix turned, looking away as he blushed even redder. "So how are we going to defeat Chat Blanc." Felix looked back at her then to Adrien and pondered for a moment.

"Let's go talk about that somewhere else." He looked to Marinette and smiled. "Wanna go grab some dinner?" Marinette nodded and smiled back.

"Sure" The two walked out together and shut the door behind them.

She betrayed you.

No...She deserves better then you or me.

She's a liar.


She deserves to die.

Adrien opened his eyes and looked around him. He growled and ripped off the wires that were hooked up to him. Nurses and doctors came running into room.

"Mr. Agreste, you need to lay back down" The nurses tried laying him down but he pushed them back, making them hit their backs on the wall. He exited out of the room and continued to push aside doctors, nurses and security.

"Code Gray, Medical ICU" (I just used U.S hospital code. It means Combative person. All hospitals may differ. I used coding I'm familiar with). The intercom over the hospitals P.A system repeated as Adrien made his way towards the front exit.

"M-Mr. Agreste. Please go back to your room" A doctor stopped him before he could leave. Adrien laughed and quickly grabbed the doctor's throat.

"I tried doing this nicely..." Adrien tightened his grasp as the doctor tried gasping for air. After a bit, the doctor went limp and was thrown to the ground. "Now we do this my way." Adrien's body was engulfed into a white smoke, turning into Chat Blanc.

"Don't move!"

"Put your hands up now!" Chat groaned in frustration.

"You guys are really pissing me off today" Chat put both of his hands up, "Cataclysm!" He quickly moved his hands to the ground causing an earthquake like tremble which threw the police force to the ground.

I don't care what I have to do to get to you Princess~ I will find you.


Marinette groaned in satisfaction as she closed her eyes.

"These pancakes are sooo goood~" (Good one right? No? Okay >.<) Felix chuckled and smiled at her.

"I'm guessing it's been awhile since you've eaten a fulfilling meal?" Marinette nodded as she chomped on her food.

"Aren't you going to eat something?" Marinette looked at him, her mouth still full. Felix nodded.

"I'm fine and don't talk with your mouth full." Felix crossed his arms and gave her a serious look. Marinette giggled and swallowed her food. Felix looked away and blushed a bit. Marinette being too involved with the blissful fluffy clouds, didn't noticed.

"Breaking news: Chat Noir gone rouge? Hi, my name is Nadia Chamack and I am here at the downtown hospital where a rouge and white Chat Noir is tormenting the people of Paris..." Felix and Marinette looked at each other with concern, "Here we go live to the Eiffel Tower as he stands on top, holding three people hostage:

'Ladybug! I know you can hear me... Meet me here in 30 mins. If you don't show up, well your loss...'" Marinette's eyes widen as she saw Alya, Nino, and Luka tied together. Tears swelled up in her eyes.

"I-I have to go." Marinette got up and began running towards the door. Suddenly an arm grasped her, holding her tight.

"Marinette, I can help you." A tear ran down her face as she looked at him.

"This is my fault Felix. I don't want you to get hurt." Felix smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not letting this world lose another Ladybug." Marinette looked at him, her mouth apage then nodded.

"O-Okay." They both ran out the door, into an alleyway and transformed.

"Spots on!"

"Claws out!"

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