Serpents at Riverdale High

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Hi guys!! This is only my second writing so please go easy on me. Check out my other writing Riverdale Cast Oneshots.

This is a rewrite of when the Serpents go to Riverdale High. Jughead told Betty they would be at a different school and her mom had grounded her all week so she had no idea. Enjoy!!!❤️❤️

Jugheads P.O.V
*beep beep beep*
I groan and roll over to turn off my blaring alarm. Hitting snooze and falling back down into my comfy warm bed. But then I remember what day it was and shot out of bed. I'm going to see Betty today.
I get dressed and ready in record time and grabbed a quick breakfast.
"Bye, dad" I called out while running out the door.
"Bye, don't get into fights" my dad called back to me.
I get on my motorcycle and headed to the Whyte Worm where we had all decided to meet up before we left for Riverdale High.
"Hey Jug! Any advice before we go to hell" Sweet Pea called out smiling when I pulled up.
"It's not hell" I joke back getting off my bike.
"Not for you at least. Betty goes there right." He jokingly asks as I walk over.
"Shut up" I mumble smile as I hit his shoulder.

"Alright, lets go. I want to get there so I can get out" Toni exclaimed annoyed.
"Not how it works Antionette" I tell her to annoy her.
"Shove it Forthye" She said pushing me aside.
We get on our bikes and head to school. After the first impression ended with us having to hold back Toni, Veronica told us to go to the lounge. I had the great job of showing Sweets, Fangs, and Toni around. After showing them their lockers I decided to take a quick detour.
"One sec." I tell them walking into a little room off to the side.
I see her hunched over the desk books surrounding her, a confused and frustrated look on her face as she looked over papers.
"Cracked the code yet Nancy Drew" I say smiling and walking up to her.
She turns around quickly and sees me.
"Juggie" she breaths runs to hug me.
"What the heck you said you didn't know when you were coming." She says pushing back after a couple of seconds.
"Well the wicked witch of the west took Juliet's phone and so I couldn't tell her or hang out with her." I respond
"That made no sense" Toni said from the door way.
We both jumped, forgetting they were standing there.
"Oh yeah, Betty this is Sweet Pea, Fangs and Toni." I tell her pointing to each of them individually. "Guys this is Betty"
"Nice to meet you" Betty told them.
"Alright I have to give them a tour. Then I will help you solve, what is this?" I ask her noticing what was spread out across the desk.
"More codes that I can't figure out. There is not correlation what do ever one symbols means something on this but on the next one it means something completely different." Betty exclaims flipping through stacks of paper. The rest of the gang walk over to see.
"What is all of this for" Fangs asks.
"The black hood case" I say picking up a book. They all scuff.
"What?" I ask them confused.
"We just thought you had given up on that." Sweets said.
"Nope, and I wouldn't till we find him." I tell them. "Alright lets get back to the tour. Betts you wanna come or solve the mystery." I tell her
"I'll come. I need a break anyway." Betty replied putting down the book she was looking through.

I know that this was super short. I hope you enjoyed please. Vote thank you so much❤️❤️❤️

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