Where are you

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So this is a rewrite of "Bizzarodale" where instead on Kevin getting taken. Betty and Jughead get taken.
"Our kids" Fred says, everyone runs and grabs their phones.
They all say where they are.
"Betty's not answering" Alice says looking at FP hoping that Jughead was.
"Jugheads not either." He says.
"You wouldn't happen to know where the Jones and Cooper ones are" Penelope says into the phone.
"Archie, can you call Jughead." Fred asks into the phone. After a minute he hangs up. Hermione also called Veronica to ask her to call Betty.
"He didn't pick up" Fred says.
"Veronica couldn't get to Betty either" Hermione says.
"Crap." FP mutters.
"Not to scare you, but they are the ones he would go after first. I mean look at how much they investigate it, and with everything else they solved they weren't that far away from uncovering him to." Tom Keller says.
FP was about to answer him but his phone rang.
"Hello Ju-" he says with out checking the caller ID. His face goes blank.
"What do you mean?" He asks. "Are they okay" he asks pacing. "Thanks. We'll be there soon." He says hanging up.
"That was Viper. They saw the gargoyle king break into the trailer and drag out Jug and Betty. They tried to stop him but the gargoyles stabbed them." He told them. Alice backs up in shock.
"Let's go" Fred says and they take off
"So, Tall Boys out of the picture, but the gargoyle king is still out there."  Jughead says to Betty. They were in their trailer, working on the G&G mess, well, now they were working on it.(😏)
"And were back to the beginning." Betty says raking her hands through her hair.
"Yep" he says hugging her.
All of a sudden the door to the trailer was knocked down. They jumped apart, Betty screamed in fear.
"Get behind me" Jughead mutters shoving Betty behind his back.
"What to you want" he spit at the gargoyle king.
Gargoyle came up and grabbed them both.
"No, BETTY" Jughead screamed when they threw her across the room. He saw Serpents run up to the trailer as he fought tooth and nail to get to Betty.
He heard a knife and a cry of pain from a Serpent but he couldn't of cared less.
Betty tried to get up and push the guys off of her but they punched her, knocking her back down.
"NO" Jughead screamed. The king came up, he lead them out of the trailer. Held at knife point so they couldn't move. They were even separated. 2 gargoyles in front of Jug separating him from Betty. All he could think about was her. It was getting hard to see. He heard movement, then the sound of a slap. Betty staggered back holding her cheek.
"I swear to god" Jughead roared stepping forward. "Juggie don't" he heard her sob. He wanted to cry, he was crying. Hearing her in pain and not being able to help her. It physically hurt him. A gargoyle poked him with the tip of his knife. And he shut up.
After what felt like forever they were in the forest. Around a circle. The chalices in front of them. They shoved them down and Jughead ran over to Betty.
"I'm scared" she whispered.
"I know" he said and was pushed back.
They pointed to chalices.
"No" Betty gasped shaking her head, tears spilling down her cheeks.
"I know but we have to" he told her, noticing the knifes pointed at their back.
They flipped the coin and with shaking hands picked up their chalaces.
"I love you Juliet" Jughead said sadly, looking into his loves tear filled eyes.
"I love you too Juggie" she replies staring into his teary eyes, she grabbed his hand.
"3, 2, 1" Jughead counted and they both drank the fatal liquid.
"STOP" they heard someone cry out, but it was to late. The drink was already down their throats. And together, like Romeo and Juliet, still holding hands, they collapsed to the forest floor. The chalices bouncing off of the spongy leaves.
"Oh my god" Hermione gasps out when they got to the site. Alice collapsed to the floor alongside her daughter. FP collapsed beside Jughead.
The others had the gargoyles at gun point. They heard running in the woods.
"Mom!" Veronica cried out.
"Dad?" Archie called our wearily.
The teens came into the clearing and stopped when they saw their best friends almost lifeless on the ground.
Veronica collapsed into sobs, Hermione holding her.
"There's a pulse." FP called out.
"Oh my god" Alice said clutching Betty's wrist, also finding a pulse.
"Take them to the station." FP said nodding towards the gargoyles which had been reveled.
"We need to get them to a hospital" Alice said. Fred ran over and scooped up Betty while FP held Jughead, just like when the Ghoulies got him.
2 days later
Jughead felt himself jolt upright.
"Jug, oh my god" his dad gasps out, jumping out of his chair and standing at his sons side.
"Where?" Jughead asks confused, but then the memory of what happened came rushing back. "Oh my god. Where's Betty?" He asks frantically, his eyes wide with fear.
"Jug, I'm sorry" FP says slowly.
"No. No. No no no" Jughead gasps. The walls closing in as his world fell apart. "Please no. Please." He sobbed out. His heart in his throat. His father tried to calm him down but it was no use. His Betty was gone. His reason for living was gone. His life was gone. What's the point he thought. His heart decreasing. His father shouting for help. Nurses and doctors running in. But it was no use.
It all went black.
Jughead jolted awake, gasping for air.
"Jug" his father gasped getting up out of the chair.
"Where's Betty?" He asked immediately.
"Jug" FP said wearily.
"Dad. Don't." He said firmly, his body shaking.
"No, she's alive Jug. But she's still not awake." FP told his son.
"I need to see her" Jughead said almost fearfully.
"Jug, I don't think" FP started
"Dad I need to see her." Jughead said more firmly.
"Okay." FP gave up. And called in a nurse.
The nurse checked him out and said he could see Betty.
(P.S. they are wearing normal clothes not hospital gowns)
Jughead ripped out his IVs and took off towards Betty's room.
He opened the door to see his beautiful girlfriend, pale, lifeless, and covered in wires.
"Oh my god" he said quietly as he staggered over to her. He scooped her up and payed her in his lap.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" he cried, tears falling into her blonde hair, their foreheads touching.
"I'm so sorry" he repeated over and over again, rocking her back and forth for what felt like hours. All of a sudden he felt her move in his hands.
"Jug?" Her hoarse voice asked confused.
"Oh my god Betty. I love you" he said, new tears of happiness falling, smiling.
"Jug. Did they catch him?" Betty asked him.
"Yeah, they got him. It was Moose's dad" he told her.
"Oh my god" she muttered, leaning into Jughead.
"I'm going to get a nurse okay" he said.
"NO" she called out, grabbing at his shirt. "Please don't leave me" she said, terrified.
"Hey, it's okay. I wouldn't leave you" he soothed her, pressing the call button.
30 seconds later nurses came rushing in.
"Oh, she's awake" a nurse said happily.
They call came over and checked her out.
"Sir, your going to need to leave." A nurse told Jughead, he nodded but Betty grabbed him.
"No, please. Please don't make him leave me." She said, tears forming in her eyes.
"Alright" a nurse said, seeing how distraught Betty was.
Alice was called back, So was FP. And after a little while of checking her out they saw that she was doing fine.
"Are you feeling up for visitors because their is a whole waiting room full of them." A nurse joked.
"Send them in" Betty said, leaning into Jughead. FP and Alice went out to get them.
Minutes later. Veronica, Archie, Kevin, Cheryl, Toni, Sweet Pea, and Fangs came rushing in.

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