Best Friends

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"Jug" Jughead heard his girlfriend sob into the phone.
"On my way." He says jumping off the couch and running out the door. Ignoring the shouts of his father behind him.
When he gets there he rips open the door to find his amazing girlfriend sobbing on the couch.
"Jug..." she gasps out. "I'm sorry" she sobs as he hugs her.
"For what baby. There is nothing to be sorry for" he says soothingly.
"A-Archie" she says shaking.
"What. Is he okay?" Jughead asked concerned for his best friend.
"He- he ra-raped m-me" Betty sobbed.
"WHAT" Jughead screamed, jumping up.
"I'm so sorry. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't. I'm sorry Jug. I didn't want to." She says quickly.
"What, no, no. I'm not mad at you. I'm so sorry that that happened. I'm going to kill him the next time I see him I promise." He says enveloping her in hug as she sobbed into his chest. His mind going through a million ways he could give Archie Andrews a painful, slow death.
2 days later at the speakeasy
"Veronica you needed to see me." Jughead walking down the steps.
He stopped when he saw Archie setting up with Josie.
"Hey Jug" Archie said nodding towards him.
Jughead glared at Archie. If looks could kill, Archie would be in a coffin. Everyone in the bar noticed. Even though it was only Sweet Pea, Fangs, Veronica, Reggie, and Josie. They still all noticed.
"What?" Archie asked confused. "What did I do" he asked looking around.
Jughead was on him in seconds and knocked him to the ground. Punching him over and over again.
"Don't. You. Dare. I. Swear. To. God. I. Will. Kill. You." Jughead said through gritted teeth, in between punches.
It took Reggie, Sweet Pea, and Fangs to pull Jughead off of Archie.
"What the hell" Archie exclaimed holding the paper towels Josie had gotten him up to his probably broken nose.
"Don't you dare" Jughead hissed again
"What is happening. Aren't you guys like best friends?" Reggie asked confused, looking between the two.
"Yeah we are." Archie said "but best friends don't punch their best friend." Archie said.
"You know what else best friends don't do?" Jughead questioned, his voice rising. "They don't rape their best friends girlfriend." Jughead shouted.
"What? Archie did you-" Veronica asked him.
"She told you?" Archie asked Jug. "I told her not to tell anyone." He muttered to himself, but everyone heard.
"I'm gonna kill you. I swear I'm gonna kill you" Jughead said lunging at him, but Sweet Pea and Fangs held him back. "I want to kill him too, but we can't Jug." Fangs muttered in his ear. Pushing his backwards.
"Look I'm sorry okay. But she was asking for it" Archie said.
"Asking for it? How the hell was she asking for it. Tell me." Jughead screamed, his eyes clouded with anger.
"Well I was drunk." Archie said scratching his neck.
"Wow great excuse. I killed someone, but I was drunk so that makes it so completely fine." Jughead said, shaking his head. "You know what. You don't touch her or go near her again." Jughead said getting Archie's face. Punching it one more time before turning and running back up the steps.

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