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I shoved my phone charger in my bag and prepared myself for the long flight. It was one of the many I took to visit my friends back home, but I still couldn't get used to the jet lag and being so damn uncomfortable on the plane.

I planned to edit a video and hopefully get some sleep so I wouldn't look like a drowned rat when Ethan picked me up. In a weird way the distance had made us so much closer. I got butterflies every time I saw him waiting for me with flowers or coffee and I couldn't help but run into his arms and get swept off my feet. At first he'd visit me for a few days at the start of every month, but I had finally convinced him to let me come see him sometimes. He complained that it was too much of hassle and financial strain, but I knew it was just a painful reminder that I wasn't living 15 minutes away from him anymore.

The distance also made me feel secure about my decision to move to New York. I felt more independent and comfortable in my own skin. I was overcoming my awkwardness and social anxiety and finally feeling like a fully functioning human being.

Meeting his family was just another one of the many perks of being on the east coast. His parents and grandparents were so lovely. I admitted to him that I was terrified of meeting his sister, worried that she wouldn't like me or find me annoying, but she had been the sweetest soul.

When my Uber arrived I texted Ethan's mom and Rebecca to let them know I was leaving, they often worried about me more than my parents did. His mother wished me safe travels and a safe return and reminded me to pack warm when I came to visit them next week.

Everything was falling into place. I often needed to pinch myself to remind myself this was real life and not just something I had dreamed of. I looked out the window as driver zoomed down the street making mental notes of everything that made this place seem like home; the Italian restaurant where Ethan and I had our first "date", the coffee shop that now knew me by name, even the abandoned building where Ethan reassured me he was in it for the long haul. Such insignificant places held so much meaning to me.

I was tired hungry and about to have a heat stroke. The puffer jacket that kept out the icy New York winds had me sweeting in LA's heatwave. Everything was annoying me until I saw the mop of his brown hair and the obnoxiously large bouquet of flowers in his hands. Everything that was irritating me suddenly didn't matter. It was like his presence pulled a wool over my eyes and all I could see was sunshine and fucking rainbows.

I sprinted towards him colliding into his chest and breathing in the smell of his clean laundry. I dropped my bags on the floor and let myself be hoisted up into his arms. My apartment in NYC would never feel as much like home as his arms did.

His lips were instantly on mine and I didn't care if this ended up on exposed pages or all over my Instagram feed. Everything faded away and we were the only two people standing in that crowded airport.

"Welcome back little one." Ethan put me down and kissed my forehead before picking up my bags and slinging them over his shoulder. I greedily pulled him closer, intertwining my fingers with his. I missed his touch, his taste, his scent, his-well...everything.

I instantly stripped down in his car, peeling off my jacket and scarf grateful to be in a cropped sweater and jeans. I was tempted to take my boots off and remove at least one of three layers of socks I had on, but I wanted to play it cool at least for a little bit before I let myself and comfortable and be a total slob in front of him.

"So where do you wanna-"

"Hang on your mom is calling." I said interrupting him and diving into an hour long conversation with his mother. I told her about my snoring seatmate and the crying baby on my flight and she caught me up on the latest drama with her book club. "Oh my God, that bitch! Janet knows it was so your turn to host the meeting!"

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