The Forest Path

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As the path grew longer the two who were on it grew more and more tired from the long journey they've already gone through walking down this path. The pair first meet in a small town a while back and after hitting it off they decided to travel together instead of separately as two was better then one.

After an hour or so of walking the pair finally came to the end of the forest but they noticed at the edge of the forest was a pair of creatures speaking in some kind of strange tongue to one another while pointing at something outside of the forest. Halting their steps the elvish male thought for a moment before speaking to his dragonborn companion "Well... what do you say we do here? We could either make a plan and deal and attack them or just wait for them to pass" "personally i say we just wait its much easier that way, what do you say?"

"Wait for them to pass? Of course not! We should attack!". After saying so the dragonborn immediately put his plan into action and ran up to the creatures and jump towards one op them while pulling out and swinging his staff at one of creatures.

" Rouah?" the creature surprised by the madman running a him exclaimed before the staff was upon him. The force staff slamming into the creatures head caused the creature to fall to the ground unable to withstand the might of the blow. The second creature noticing his companion fall to the ground let out a loud screech before moving towards the dragonborn but after it took a step three blue beams came out and penetrated into the creature killing it instantly.

"Sigh... Febbs even though you aren't ones for plans couldn't you have at least waited for a moment? That way i could prepare?" The elf spoke to the dragonborn while walking over to him.

"Eh, well i could have but what if they noticed us! Better to go straight into it then waiting for them"

"But still you could have waited a moment and if they noticed us then we would have just dealt with it". After saying so the elf bet down to the body of the creature and began to pick up the makeshift weapons that they were carrying and searching through to see if they had anything else worth anything on them.

"Fine, next time i'll wait. Happy?". Before the elf could speak Febbs turned to look deeper into the forest for a moment before leaning over to the elf with a smile "Hey Shalador you wanted me to wait next time right?"

"Yeah that way we could make a plan and prepare better the rushing in." Shalador still occupied by searching the body's didn't notice anything strange or that Febbs was staring off into the forest. After a bit more looking Shalador couldn't find anything else turned to look at Febbs and noticed that his dragonborn companion was looking at him with a large grin on his face

"So what's the plan?". With a woosh small rock went flying back just barely scratching Shaladors face. Turning his face he saw two more creatures coming from deeper into the woods towards them and a third one staying back loading up another rock to fire the elf smiled bitterly

"Well we have no choice, attack". After getting the go ahead he was looking for Febbs leaned forward and moved towards the creature that was closest to him and readied his staff before swinging at the creature. A result of him putting most of his strength behind was his attack was able hit the first creature and managed to keep the momentum going and the swing was able to reach the second creature next to the first, injuring them both and pushing them back and stopping their advancement forward. The creatures angry at a stangle lizard attacking them took another step forward while the first one make a lunge towards the lizard with its makeshift dagger and the second jumping up and trying to hit the lizard with his club. Leaning to the side Febbs managed to avoid the dagger but when it came to the club that was raining down upon him he wasn't able to avoid it and took the force of the impact. After watching Febbs for a second Shalador thought for a moment before lifting his hand and muttering something causing a ball of flames to appear above his hand before flying forward towards one of the creatures Febbs was attacking. Flying through the air the fireball made its way to the target and when it came into contact it exploded causing the creature to have burn marks and to sprint towards the thing that attacked it.

"Like i'd let you leave just like that!" Laughing Febbs reached out to grab the creature attempting to run but when his hand neared a rock came flying hitting his hand and knocking it back which allowed the creature to run up to Shalador and stab at him with his dagger. "Shoot!" Frustrated at the creature getting away Febbs continued to try to move to help Shalador but under the assault of the club and the bombardment of rocks he was unable to go and assist.

Seeing the creature running up to him Shaldor launched another fireball towards the creature but as it was expecting something like this it hoped out of the way and moved faster and faster towards the wizard before arriving in front of it and and screaming before stabbing towards him with off of it might. Knowing it was too late to dodge Shalador closed his eyes and muttered something and upon opening his eyes he noticed a fiendish looking creature smiling at the fact that it just stabbed the leg of wizards who blew his face up. Almost immediately after he was stabbed Shalador murdered once more and doing so caused three small blue arrows to stab into the creature who was arrogantly staring at the wound he caused. Seeing as how the creature was stabbed through by three separate arrows and the flames from earlier its wounds were no longer able to be kept under control and fell to the ground in a small puddle of murky green ooze coming out of its body.

Turning his attention back to his partner Shalador saw that Feebs was able to hold out against the creature with the club but with the rocks being fired his was unable to hold on and has taken some external damage that could be fatal if more of it was accumulated. Knowing that Febbs wouldn't be able to hold out much longer Shaldor focused on the two remaining creatures before muttering to himself once more causing three more arrows to appear above his head, willing the arrows to go to their targets they shot forwards. The first two arrows went towards the creature with the rocks and managed to hit him in fatal places causing him to fall the the ground but one arrow wasn't enough to defeat the one with the club,

"The rest is up to you!" Shalador yelled towards Febbs. The creature stunned by what was going on was dazed for a moment and in that moment Febbs was able to use the rest of his strength to swing his staff towards the final creature, hitting the creature white foamed appeared in its mouth before falling to the ground. Looking around Febbs thought for a moment before saying with a slight smile

"... that was a great plan". Leaning down Febbs wet to pick up the club and slingshot that were being used by the creatures and put them in his backpack before walking over to Shalador. "Well that was fun wasn't it?"

"I don't know if i'd use fun, maybe eventful would be better"

"Well I had fun." " Still it was a bit painful, didn't you say there was a town around here? Maybe we could rest up a bit there before continuing on"

"Yeah that would probably be for the best I used most of my magic back there" "The town should be just past the forest'. After checking that they got everything they headed toward the edge of the forest that they saw previously but thankfully this time there were no creatures in the way. Reaching the edge of the forest Shalador and Febbs looked off into the distance and saw that in the middle of a plains was a small town,

Looking over at the wizard who he'd gone through a life or death battle with just moments ago Febbs smiled and said "Well what are we waiting for, let's head over!".

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