The Goblins Return

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"... And that's where you came in and killed my new pet" Febbs finished explaining to Shalador what had happened to him while he was away from Shalador.

Sighing deeply Shalador thought for a moment before thinking and asking 'What happened to the creature after he disappeared?"

"Eh?... He never came back. I wonder if it's the goblin from before but instead of green they changed to red" Febbs jokingly said.

Taking a look around Shalador tired to find signs of where the red creature could be. After a few moments of time Shaladors search was unfruitful and he wasn't able to find any trace of the creature so he turned his attention to the already defeated creatures on the ground.

Walking over to them Shalador pulled out a knife and cut the horns off of the creatures, when the horns came off the creatures erupted into small ball of flames before extinguishing shortly after. After finishing inspecting the horns he put them into his bag and turning towards the darkness and began walking.

Ater picking up his lantern Febbs followed after Shalador and began walking next to him.

As an hour passes the pair continues to walk deeper into the darkness, the air grew colder and eventually the sound of water could be made out. Looking forwards the duo could see a wooden bridge stretching over the chasm and ending somewhere deeper in the dark.

Without being able to see the bottom of the chasm or the other edge the pair had no other choice but to begin walking across.

Taking a few steps forward Febbs turned to see Shalador still on the edge of chasm, unmoving.

"Shalador what's wrong?' Febbs asked curiously.

"What if we were to... don't go on the bridge? Lets just find a way around instead" Shalador said with a slight quiver in his voice.

Not noticing the slight quiver in Shaladors voice Febbs just frowned before grabbing Shaladors hand and pulling him onto the bridge "It would take way to long just hurry up!" " See, now lets go"

The two crossed the bridge at a fairly slow speed as Shalador would take quite a bit of time with each step he took.

As the end of the bridge finally came into sight so did what else was at the other side of the bridge. Looking at the end of the bridge they saw the red creature from before along with a goblin cutting both of the robes holding the bridge.

The two creatures giggling as they cut the rope looked towards the two crossing the bridge before laughing even louder and cutting the rope faster and faster.

Seeing the rope being cut Shalador pushed himself in front of Febbs then began running towards the other side of the chasm while screaming "NOOOOOO!!".

As he stepped closer and closer to the end of the bridge he finally reached the final step when


The ropes broke and both Febbs and Shalador were rapidly descending towards the bottom of the chasm without any sign of stopping. One word was continuously rushing through the head of both Febbs and Shalador "Falling. Falling. Falling. Falling."

Very quickly the two could see a layer of water which appeared to be the bottom of the chasm. As for how deep the water was or if it was safe to land in were questions that they did not know the answers to but quickly found the answers to.

Hitting the water the two learned that it was only a thin layer of water and that the impact was about to hurt. When Febbs came into contact with the water he was able to land in such a way that minimized that damage he took and only suffered light injuries as a result. Shalador however was not as adept as Febbs when it came to landing from falls and thus when he came into contact with the ground he just narrowly managed to avoid breaking anything but suffered heavy injuries and fell unconscious as the pain was to much.

Febbs noticing his companion unconscious again gave a concerned look before doing his best at helping tend to Shaladors wounds before turning to his own slight injuries and tending to the. After dealing with all the injuries Febbs looked for his launtern but found it laying nearby, completely broken and unusable. Having no other source of light Febbs sat down and began to watch over the unconscious Shalador in case anything was to come by.

After enough time passed Shalador woke up from his unconscious state and saw Febbs standing there actually watching out this time he smiled. Suppressing his injurys the duo turned towards a hole in the chasm wall.

Walking over to the hole the two saw a pit of water illuminated by more of the glowing stones from earlier on and on the other side of the water was a platform not under the water.

After looking back to the chasm they fell down and conforming that it was to high to climb the two knew they had no other choice but to swim across the water.

The two diving into the water began to swim across occasionally looking deeper into the water but being unable to see anything because of the lack of light in the water.

As the two reached the mid way point between the entrance and the platform Febbs suddenly felt something... slimy wrapping around his foot.

Turning his attention to his foot Febbs saw a teneticle around his foot, quickly he yelled out 'QUICKLY GO!" before being pulled deeper into the water.

Shalador seeing his companion pulled into the water hesitated for a second before swimming over to the platform. Upon reaching the platform he took a few steps away from the water before searching for Febbs in it.

Febbs still being pulled in the water looked toward the tentacle and continued to squirm and kick it with his other foot managed to free himself from the grasp of the tentacle and began furiously swimming upwards. Immediately before he was able to reach the surface however the tentacle once more wrapped around his feet.

Luckily for him though Shalador was watching the water carefully and upon noticing the silhouette of Febbs immediately launched a spell. Three blue arrows appeared around Shalador and hovered there for a moment before launching deeper into the direction that Febbs almost resurfaced at.

In the water Febbs began to struggle once more but this time the tentacle went so silly and continued to tighten . As the air began to depart from Febbs his vision began to darken when he saw three lights flash before his eyes and the force pulling him down disappeared.

Knowing that this may be his only opportunity to escape Febbs kicked the tentacle off one his feet and saw the detached tentacle begin to fall to the pits of the water while Febbs began swimming up.

Just barely making it out of the water Febbs struggled for breath while swimming to the platform. Reaching the platform he fell onto his back and gasped for air for a few minutes before finally regaining his breath and getting up.

"Maybe you... were right and we should.... Have stayed out of this" Febbs said while still grasping for breath.

"Oh I was definitely right" Shalador said with a chuckle before continuing on "But we have n choice now we must continue on or well up in this case" he said while pointing to a tunnel leading up.

Preparing themselves for what came next the two began to climb slowly up and as they reached the top they saw that the tunnel was covered up and there was no way out until they heard a voice and the tunnel slowly began to open.

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