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The two climbed up the stone tunnel as it was their only way to escape the nightmare that existed below the deep waters. Climbing higher and higher up Shalador grew more fearful of falling down and his climbing speed dropped slightly but not great enough to affect anything.

A few minutes went by of the duo climbing when they finally reached what seemed to be the top of the tunnel but as the two reached the top the also realized that it was closed off. Febbs tried to get rid of whatever was on top of the tunnel but was unable to go through steel.

The hope that the two once had was now vanished, all that remained was despair as they knew that their chances of making it past the creature in the water was more was low.

"Ma... maybe be missed something. There must be some other way out that we missed we just have to go down and look again... right?" Febbs spoke hesitantly, not sure of what he was saying.

"Febbs I don't think-" Shalador spoke but before he finished a deep voice rang out from what seemed to be everywhere but at the same time no where.

"What are you two doing?" The voice spoke with a curious tone as it seemed to be truly wondering what they were doing.

Alarmed by the sudden appearance of the voice Shalador almost lost his grip but was able to barely save himself from falling back down.

"Oh right! Let me open this for you, don't want you falling now do we" The voice boomed once more. After the voice rang out the thing that was blocking the tunnel end seemingly disappeared allowing the two to carefully climb out of the tunnel.

As the two exited the tunnel they began scanning the room, doing so they saw a fairly large roomed that seemed to be artificially cut out of the stone as the walls were too smooth to be naturally made. Further looking around the room the two saw a small wooden building in a corner of the room but in front of it was a giant statue nearing 30 ft tall. The statue depicted a scholarly looking man standing upright seemingly looking down upon the two.

In front of the statue stood aman who was wearing black robes similar to the ones from the man they encountered at the tavern but these ones had no hood allowing the pair to see the face of the man. The man with his flowing black hair stood in front of the statue and seeing that the pair made it out of the tunnel smiled and spoke "Ah good you're here! I've been waiting" pausing for a moment before speaking again "You know, Oro was getting impatient. I almost thought that his food wasn't coming but here you are!"

Hearing the words Shalador frowned and was about to speak when Febbs' voice was heard "Who is Oro exactly?"

Hearing the dragonborn's question the man began laughing maniacally "Oro is god! The one who shall rule over the heavens!"

Reaching back Febs slowly put his hand on his staff ready to attack at a moments notice.

Shalador taking a step forward asked in a clam voice "Am i correct in saying that your name is Gazar?"

"A hideous grin grew on the man's face as he spoke "Indeed that is I !Gazar the servant of god Oro!" As he spoke he slowly floated a few inches off the ground and began looking down on Febbs and Shalador.

Shalador muttered to himself causing a fireball to appear in his hand which he immediately threw at Gazar.

Looking at the incoming fireball Gazar prepared to block it but right before it came into contact with him it exploded into a ball of smoke shocking gazar and blocking his vision. Sneering Gazar waved his hand creating a gust of wind blowing the smoke out of the way.

Now that the smoke was out of his way Gaar was able to see once again but by the time that the smoke was cleared ebbs was already in front of him mid swing with his staff.

Swinging his staff into the side of Gazar, Febbs stared into the eyes of Gazar and within his eyes wasn't sneer or arrogance but pure focus on the target.

The impact of being hit caused Gazar to be launched a few feet away from Febbs. After halting his movement Gazar became frustrated, he felt that to be sneaked attacked like that was a insult to him.

Looking at the dragonborn who dared sticked him Gazar yelled out "INSOLENCE!". As he yelled out a ghostly red hammer appeared in mid air striking down at Febbs.

Seeing the hammer appear, Febs held his staff up in the path of the hammer. The hammer smashing into the staff caused a small ripple to appear in the air shaking everyone in the room slightly.

The hammer raised itself once ore and prepared to strike down, as the hammer was striking Shaladors spell finished preparing causing a stream of lighting to strike Gazar and continue to stay on him.

The hammer not being affected at all by the lightning slammed down once more into the staff, as it did so the staff cracked slightly under the impact.

Seeing the crack in his staff Febbs jumped back trying to get away from the hammer which he did. As he was getting away however the hammer transformed into a small knife and flew towards the retreating Febbs at a high speed.

Knowing that the knife would cause him serious wounds Febbs began trying to think of a method but only thought of one to negate the dagger. As static began to form around his mouth Febbs quickly opened it causing a streak of lightning to shoot out of his mouth hitting the dagger.

The dagger unable to maintain its form after being hit flickered before fading away. The stream of lightning cast earlier by Shalador was still pumping electricity into Gazar.

Now that he no longer had to be focused on the weapon Gazar continued looking at Febbs completely ignoring the stream of electricity flowing into him and spoke to Febbs "Strike this fool with your weapon!" while pointing at Shalador.

Hearing the words directed at him and something about the words made Febbs want to do it o step after step he began walking over to Shalador with lifeless eyes.

Seeing Febbs get closer and closer to him Shalador continued to maintain the steam of lightning going into Gazar but when a staff came flying towards him Shalador had to break the lightning spell and instead had to block the incoming strike.

Maybe something inside of Febbs was still aware which caused the staff strike to hurt much less than it could at full force.

Once Febbs' strike as complete his eyes regained clarity and now began to looking at Gazar with a angry glare.

Shalador standing next to Febbs whispered "Febbs, your staff can it still make that explosion?"

'Yeah it should be able to once more and after that it will be destroyed, unluckily that hammer did more damage than I would have hoped it did" Febbs whispered back

"Okay here's the plan..." Shalador began to slowly explain the plan to Febbs.

As Gazar watched the pair whisper about something he sneered and made his voice boom as he spoke "Hurry up with your plan then! Oro doesn't have all day!"

Hearing the provoking words from Gazar Febbs began to walk then run over to him, when Febbs was close to 10 ft away he suddenly threw his staff at Gazar.

The sneer on Gazars face grew larger as he caught the staff and was about to begin speaking when all of a sudden a large force exploded out rom the staff catching the unsuspecting victim.

As the staff blew up Shalador launched a ball of flames with a hint of lightning inside towards Gazar.

As both of the explosions hit Gazar a large cloud of smoke was created making both Febbs and Shalador unable to see if Gazar survived the hits or not.

As the dust cleared the two saw Gazar on one knee coughing out a small pool of blood. Gazar looked up at the two and weakly spoke "These injuries are nothing but a slight inconvenience. As long as I have faith in Oro nothing can stop me!". As his sentence finished he bagan laughing maniacally.

No longer having a staff and with Shalador having around half magic left the pairs fighting power was mainly reliant on Shalador.

Shalador began preparing another spell and Febb's readied his only weapon left, his fists. The two prepared for the next round against the powerful wizard named Gazar.

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